American History through American Lives


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Demographics
  3. Content Objectives
  4. Essential Questions
  5. Content
  6. Classroom Resources
  7. Teaching Strategies
  8. Activities
  9. Appendix: Implementing District Standards
  10. Annotated Bibliography
  11. Notes

American History Through American Lives Celebrating Our Family History Through Immigration Stories

Cindel Berlin

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:


I had the pleasure to attend the Yale National Initiative. The seminar I participated in was American History Through American Lives. In this seminar we discussed and analyzed how people and events affected American History and American lives as a whole. We have discussed slavery, slave narratives, the civil rights movement, and autobiographies and biographies. These discussions and resources have opened my eyes immensely to topics that are not discussed in first grade. We had the opportunity to explore all sides of history, not just the Caucasian and heterosexual viewpoints. Delving into the hidden figures of activists and everyday people while hearing their influence on history has opened my eyes to the real history and how racist our curriculum really is. By opening my eyes, I can help my students of color or other minorities to tell their families immigration story and how their culture has impacted that story.


My first grade students are expected to come with the ability to write full and complete sentences. This is not always what we receive at the beginning of first grade. By the end of first grade, they are expected to write a full paragraph (3-5 sentences). These students are expected to write an informational piece about something they have researched. Usually, we have them research and write about an animal. This seems like an easy writing experience, however most on grade level students struggle to form a complete sentence, let alone write an organized paragraph on an experience that they have had.  Along with the writing expectations, students are expected to be able to read by the middle to the end of first grade.

My students are often still learning basic math and phonics skills when they come into first grade. Many cannot write a sentence or read independently. They are familiar with the SmartBoard, small and whole group activities, and hands on activities. They enjoy working together any chance that they can get. My goal for this unit is to have my students improve upon their knowledge and ability to write multiple complete sentences in order to write a informational text about what they have learned about how immigrants played a role in American History, and a narrative on their own or their families immigration story or a tradition that their family does. This unit will help my students not only practice their writing skills, while connecting what they have learned across the curriculum, but help them build their identity, one that they can be proud of. Today’s students are exposed to various cultures through various media forms. This includes digital activities on the SmartBoard, short texts or stories in small or whole group, and across various areas of curriculum. It is important for them to understand it is okay to be an immigrant and how they can still have an impact on America. My students will be expected to apply the reading skills they have learned, to connect to their writing, while applying the history and cultural understanding of these famous immigrants and their families story.


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