Appendix: Implementing District Standards
For Christina School District we follow the state of Delaware Standards, which are the Common Core State Standards for reading or writing, or the Delaware Social Studies Standards. For the writing and literacy standard we will be using is CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.2: Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and provide some sense of closure. This will be seen after the Detective Boxes during the informational writing piece.
For Social Studies Standards the students will be working to meet these standards through the activities. There is a standard and a substandard that will need to be met. These standards are K-3a: Students will understand that historical accounts are constructed by drawing logical inferences from artifacts and documents K-3b: Students will develop an awareness of major events and people in United States and Delaware history. Who lives here and how did they get here? (Immigrants, demographics, ethnic and religious groups), important people in our past, different kinds of communities in Delaware and the United States. These standards will work intertwined together throughout the day. My students will meet these standards by using the online interactive activities from scholastic, guest speakers, detective boxes, and stories.