Pittsburgh Westinghouse is a 6-12 school located on the East End of Pittsburgh serving the Homewood, Garfield, Lincoln-Larimer, Wilkinsburg and East Hills communities. It is a Title-I school and is currently in school improvement. According to the PA School Performance Profile, the school’s enrollment hovers just under 708 students (“Future Ready PA Index” 2020). The racial demographic of the student body is 93.8 percent African American, 1.3 percent White, and 3.7 percent other. Of those students, 85.6 percent of households are identified as economically disadvantaged and 30.1 percent currently utilize special education services. According to the district’s data, the attendance rate for the 2019-2020 school year was 81.4 percent (Pittsburgh Public Schools 2020). During the 2019-2020 school year, Keystone exam results show 17.9 percent of students were proficient or advanced in Algebra, 10.1 percent in Biology, and 30.7 percent in English. The PSSA exams for the 2019-2020 year resulted in 16 percent of students proficient or advanced in English, 3.3 percent in Math, and 9.4 percent in Science (Pittsburgh Public Schools 2020).