Teaching about Race and Racism Across the Disciplines


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction:
  2. Rationale:
  3. Learning Activity #1: Understand Internalized Systems and Social Implications
  4. Learning Activity #2: Seeing the World through Race-Colored Glasses
  5. Learning Activity #2: Find Someone Challenging a System
  6. Learning Activity #4: Leading with a Social Consicousness
  7. Learning Activity #5: Finding the Counternarrative
  8. Another Way To Find Counternarratives
  9. Learning Activity #3: Contextualize the Struggle
  10. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  11. Bibliography
  12. Notes

Seeing the World through Race-Colored Glasses: Guiding High-School Journalism Students to Report in a Race-Conscious Way to Create a Race-Conscious World

Raymond Salazar

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:

Another Way To Find Counternarratives

Another way to find a conternarrative is to follow up with people who’ve been profiled in a news article and ask them, “How do you feel about the way your experience was represented?  Is there anything else you’d like to say?”

In 2017 in the Chicago Tribune, I came across “Loyola program opens college doors for vulnerable students” by Dawn Rhodes.  The article struck me as perpetuating a messiah complex narrative where the low-income, first-generation college students needed to be saved, controlled, micro-managed according to the private school’s standards if they were to succeed. 

The use of “vulnerable” triggered my own memories of being a low-income, first-generation college student.  I asked myself, “Did I ever think of myself as vulnerable?”  I was definitely lost and broke--but vulnerable? 

So I reached out to a student there, a student who had been my student, and asked her, “What did you think of the Tribune article?”

Lisseth Perez--ambitious, intelligent, undocumented--told me she and many students said they felt misrepresented, looked down upon.  So I asked if she’d like to tell her side of it.  That’s how this counternarrtive story came to be a few weeks later: “Two Chicago Universities Establish Generous Scholarships for Undocumented Students” for Latino USA.  When I give this to students, I’ll remove my name in the byline.

Students can go through the same news driver exercise with these two articles and then write a reflection:

  1. Which article presents the people profiled more as individuals with agency?
  2. How does the Tribune article use language that shows the students as disempowered people?
  3. How does the Latino USA article use language that highlights the students’ agency?


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