In Virginia, fourth graders study the state’s history including the three branches of state government. The idea for this unit evolved from trying to connect public policy to the fourth grade state curriculum in a meaningful way. The obvious connection was Virginia’s storied history with tobacco. The topic really appealed to me because there is a current controversy over the risks of e-cigarettes, and the fact that many young people start vaping in fifth grade. As I took a deeper dive into the history of the tobacco industry, my head was spinning with ideas. This topic was tied directly to public policy, legislation, political alliances, lobby power, media messages, regulations, public health, and the judicial branch. The topic will provide an excellent context and the unit will help my students understand how the branches of government work in a deeper way.
Many Virginians helped design the federal government. Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington, and George Mason brought with them their knowledge about how the first elected legislative body in the American colonies was working and their ideals. The Virginia General Assembly would serve as a model for the federal government. So, the unit will not only help my students to understand how the state government works, but also the federal government.
As I read page after page of Allan Brandt’s book Cigarette Century, I couldn’t help but notice several things. The first was how the tobacco industry acted in such a calculated and manipulative way, only thinking of its interests. The second was that my own dislike for cigarettes and smoking turned into animosity for the tobacco industry and its total disregard for human health. The third take away was that I couldn’t help but notice how articles and news stories that I have read and heard about over the past few years seemed to be an instant replay of the cigarette controversy.
This unit will help my students develop critical thinking skills as they examine both sides of the controversy, learn how public policy is created and gain valuable insight into the harmful effects of e-cigarettes. Hopefully, my students and many others around the country and world will learn to avoid e-cigarettes.