Content Objective
A school setting is an ideal place to create awareness because it sets up a good way to get students involved in a school community and practice getting their voices heard. Students have more power in their community than they think. The unit entails encouraging students to cultivate their approach by practicing academic discussions, using science vocabulary, questioning, sharing of ideas and thoughts, using scientific explanations, analyzing evidence, and creating models using the engineering approach in finding a solution. Through discussions, students can reflect on their current beliefs and concepts and begin to develop ideas that would support their solution for this environmental issue.
In addition, the unit integrates cultural teachings, to support students in learning about their ancestral heritage and the Diné Way of Life. By including the Diné teachings, student will understand how our ancestors lived in harmony with Mother Earth. In having students learn about their cultural ways, they are more inclined to understand that they need to continue this way of life of respecting their surrounding environment and keep the balance of harmony called, “Hozho”. Students will understand the importance of keeping harmony with Mother Earth (Nihima Nahasdzáán) and Father Sky (Nihizhee Yádiłhił) to the Diné people.
The purpose of this unit is to have my 8th grade students learn about the history of plastic, their cumulative growth in production, how it negatively affects our environment and finding solutions using problem solving to address this problem. The students will present their solution to their peers, community and tribal leaders.
This curriculum unit will integrate methodically into my 8th grade environmental science lessons, but the curriculum unit can be adjusted to accommodate other grade levels according to student needs. I plan this unit to take at least three weeks of instructional time with 55 minutes each day. The unit is align to earth and Next Generation Science Standards on the human impact on environment.
Earth/Space Science:
- Human Interactions with the Environment – Students learn about the earth’s natural resources and man’s impact on the environment. Materials cover energy resources, renewable & non-renewable resources, the human impact on ecosystems, and ways we can minimize waste .3