Solving Environmental Problems through Engineering


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Context
  3. Content Objective
  4. Rationale
  5. Content
  6. Teaching Strategies
  7. References
  8. Appendix A
  9. Endnotes

A Plastic Struggle for Mother Earth

Marnita A. Chischilly

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:

Teaching Strategies

The lessons within the curriculum unit will have students analyzing data charts, reading articles, researching, sharing ideas, demonstrating models, strategy mapping, utilizing the engineering methods of finding solutions. This unit will stress the importance of discourse and sharing ideas in a cooperative learning environment. This is important for students because they need to practice constructing meaning of science concepts through discussion and demonstrating their ideas based on their learning and understanding. In addition, the cooperative learning strategy supports student learning in an organized and structured way and enhance interdependence. Students will be given each task or assignment, which they will work on together to complete (a suggested rubric to assessment cooperative learning is below figure 4). They will have opportunities to present explanations of what they learned, combined with data or evidence to demonstrate their learning. They will present their findings to their peers for feedback and revise or add their presentations before they present their findings to either parents, community or tribal officials.







I did not participate in the activity

I occasionally participate in the activity

I frequently participate in the activity

I always participate in the activity


I do not participate in the group discussion

I occasionally participate in the group discussion

I frequently participate in the group discussion

I always participate in the group discussion

Group Role

I do not take my group role seriously

I occasionally take my group role seriously

I frequently take my group role seriously

I always take my group role seriously


I do not play a part in teamwork

I occasionally play a part in teamwork

I frequently play a part in teamwork

I always play a part in teamwork

Academic Language

I do not use complete sentences or academic language in my class work and discussions.

I sometimes use academic language but do not express complete thoughts in my class work and discussions

I often use academic language in class and use complete sentences in my class work and during group discussions.

I always use academic language and complete sentences in my classroom work and group discussions.

Figure 4 is a Self-Evaluation rubric for students in Cooperative Learning

Essential Questions?

  1. What are single use plastics and why do people frequently use them?
  2. How does the single use plastic items effect the environment?
  3. What can we do to help reduce this environmental issue?
  4. Does knowing your heritage motivate you to be more aware of environmental issues?
  5. How can you apply biomimicry to address this environmental issue?


  • Students will analyze the history of plastics, their effects on the environment and efforts to address those effects.
  • Students will evaluate the role of single use plastics in their lives and reflect on their willingness to change their behaviors to help reduce the pollution
  • Students will share ideas and collaboratively find solutions using problem-solving skills.
  • Students will present their findings to their Native community to advocate for change in supporting Mother Earth (Nihima Nahasdzáán),

Another strategy incorporated into the unit is environmental engineering. What is environmental engineering?The condense definition in this unit is the application of science and engineering knowledge and concepts to care for and/or restore our natural environment and/or solve environmental problems. This approach guides us as we begin to understand the depth of environmental issue and using that knowledge toward an appropriate preventive measure. Environmental Engineers around the world are certainly trying to solve this problem by designing innovative mechanisms to protect the environment. Therefore, the first step in this approach is to research information, learn about the problem, understand the consequences if there is no prevention. Then use the information gathered to find solutions or preventions to eliminate or slow the process of the environmental problem.

Teacher’s Note: In using the strategy of cooperative group activities, it is important to discuss how teams need to work together to accomplish their task in a set time. They may choose to assume different roles suited for the group task, for instance, a leader, recorder, timekeeper, etc.

Learning Activities:

Guided learning activity-Show student items you have collected that contain plastic. Have students brainstorm other items that are made from plastic. List these items on the board. Have students make two columns, title one-side benefits and the other side title it negative impact. Then have students work with a partner to list what they already know about the benefits of these items made of plastic. Next, have them write the negative impacts after doing some quick research on their class tablet or computer. With a partner, have students record their initial thoughts about the negative impacts. Which column on their sheet had more listed? What stands out? After they record their answers, the students will discuss their finding as a class. Explain to the class that over the next few weeks, they will be designing a solution to the negative impact of single use plastics.

Reading and Researching Activity– Students will be expected to read books, articles and other material from the internet or in libraries to enhance their understanding of single use plastic pollution. These reading strategies are important for students to master as they move higher in grade level. Students will spend time:

  • Looking for information
  • Selecting information
  • Noting and recording information
  • Interpreting information
  • Organizing information
  • Referring to information in assignments

Analyze Data Activity- Students will analyze data from the research of their choice. Data analysis is the process of interpreting the meaning of the data students have collected. Data study is a valuable tool for students to learn, especially considering that so much data is now being generated. This is an important learning experience for students as they prepare for High School level math and science courses.

Infographic Activity- Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. Students will organize a collection of data they feel is important to represent what they learned in their analysis by displaying it in the form of a table, bar chart, line graph, or other representation. By completing this type of assignment my students will improve reasoning by utilizing graphics to enhance the human visual system's ability to see patterns and trends. A science board or large poster board with the data analysis report are some examples of infographics. As long as the group of students work together to share their understanding of the environmental issue.

1) Tell students that based on what they learned, they will create infographics that illustrates a problem with single use plastics on the environment. The student will focus in on one specific problem that single-use plastic may cause on the environment on the Navajo Nation or in their community environment. What issues do they see?

2) Students will also become photographers of their community by taking pictures of single use plastic pollutions wherever they encounter the problem. They will use this as part of their infographic data collection and their presentations.

Show an example of an infographic from the internet. Ask students, where they have seen an infographic? Maybe articles, newspaper, advertisement, textbooks, etc. Students will use the information they gathered to create an infographic using the following criteria: 1) title 2) at least four pieces of evidence 3) use images or data more than text 4) citation of where they gathered the information. They will post their finished product in the school hallway. (A suggested rubric is included in figure 5)

Infographic Rubric (example)




Has an appropriate title




Contains at four pieces of evidence




Organization of the project




Data shares focused information




All citations are included




Total points possible 15

Figure 5 is a suggested simple rubric

Engineering Problem Solving Activity- When engineers set out to solve a real world problem they go through an engineering problem solving process. In this activity, students will work in a group to learn how to conduct the steps of the engineering process of problem solving. The first step is to have students do research, then, identify the specific problem. In this first step, students can bring pictures, interview people, and collect information from their family to help them identify the specific problem. They may ask questions such as “What do you do with your plastic bottles when you drinking the soda or water?” or “What do you do with the plastic bags that you bring groceries in?” Remind students they have to be specific questions and to keep track of their data. Once students agree on the specific problem they will address, they will come with a problem statement. A good problem statement is concise in describing the issue in which they will solve. Students will then identify what constraints they will encounter as they find a solution. These constraints are going to be from their school or community environment, which could include school or reservation policies regarding land, people and funding. They will need to include these constraints in the process. The next step is for students to brainstorm possible solutions and list them on a large poster paper. Then the students in their own group will discuss the options and choose the most promising. They will then draw out a proposal or a narrative of the possible solution to the specific problem. The solution should be specific in addressing the solution. The students in the group will present their solution to their peers. Their peers will ask questions and give feedback on the presentation. The students will use the feedback provided by their peers to revise, enhance or create a new solution. This process will continue until students are satisfied with their solution. 

The culminating project for this unit is to have students gather all their learning activities and present it in a narrated/captioned slideshow or video about their ideas and solution. They will use this to present to other classrooms, teachers, parents, community or tribal officials. This culminating activity will be used to assess student understanding.

Student Resource Sites: - This site has information on different types of plastic, the history of plastic production and current issues of plastic. - This site has information on ways people can address and find solution on plastic pollution. - This site informs people of the impact of single use plastics on earth. - This site is informative for finding possible solutions - This site has information on single use plastics – This site is titled, “Native Entrepreneur Turns Rez Trash Problem into Golden Opportunity”

Classroom Materials

  • Pencil, Notebook, Markers, Poster Paper, Colored Post-its
  • Clip art
  • Plastic products (single use items)
  • Magazines, articles, newspaper
  • Tablet and Internet Access
  • Planning Sheets
  • Excel program
  • Publisher program
  • Printer to print data
  • Activity sheets and/or templates


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