Solving Environmental Problems through Engineering


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Learning Objectives
  4. Content Objectives
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Appendix: Implementing District Standards
  8. Annotated Bibliography
  9. Endnotes

The Engineering of Green Infrastructure and Stormwater Management Practices

Michael Albert Doody

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:


1 (Sawe 2017)

2 (US Global Change Research Program 2014)

3 (Keller et al. 2017)

4 (Mahmood et al. 2014)

5 (Shuster et al. 2005)

6 (Arnold and Gibbons 1996)

7 Ibid

8 (US EPA 1993)

9 (Lister et al. 2017)

10 (Turner 2001)

11 Ibid

12 (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium 2014)

13 (Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium 2016)

14 (National Research Council 2009)

15 (US EPA 2019b)

16 (National Research Council 2009)

17 Ibid

18 (Cettner et al. 2013)

19 (Walsh, Fletcher, and Burns 2012)

20 (Weber 2019)

21 (National Research Council 2009)

22 Ibid

23 (Cettner et al. 2013)

24 Ibid

25 (Sitzenfrei et al. 2020)

26 (US EPA 2019b)

27 (National Research Council 2009)

28 (US EPA 2016)

29 (DuPoldt et al. 1996)

30 (US EPA 2019b)

31 (National Research Council 2009)

32 (Mangangka, Isri; Liu, An; Goonetilleke, Ashantha; Egodawatta 2016)

33 Ibid

34 Ibid

35 Ibid

36 Ibid

37 Ibid

38 (US EPA 2020)

39 (GSA  2011)

40 Ibid

41 (US EPA 2020)

42 (US EPA 2019a)

43 (Foundation 2020)

44 (US EPA 2019a)

45 Ibid

46 (Selbig, W.R. and Buer 2018)

47 Ibid

48 (Peccia 2020)

49 Ibid

50 (Beeler 2014)

51 (Schmidt 2019)

52 (Rago, Ford, and Chase 2018)

53 Ibid

54 (National Resarch Council 2012)

55 Ibid

56 Ibid

57 (National Research Council 2009)

58 (US EPA 2019b)

59 (US EPA 2019a)

60 (US EPA 2017)


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