Teaching Strategies
Heterogenous Groups with Gallery Walk (Hybrid Model)
Given the uncertainty of next year, this unit is particularly conscious of developing strategies for a hybrid model in preparation for potential scheduling adjustments throughout the year. In a traditional school year, students typically are placed in heterogenous groups to conduct scientific investigations and inquiry learning. This provides the platform for students to build social-emotional capacity through collaboration and explore diverse perspective with respect to problems solving. At the end of every learning cycle students are asked to present results, hypotheses, conclusions, and theories within their assigned groups. One of the most effective pedagogical strategies to effectively communicate between groups has been the implementation a gallery walks. This instructional strategy allows students multiple opportunities to refine conceptual understanding through peer feedback. Groups are asked to assess each other thinking and provide critical feedback to improve content understanding and/or communication. During remote instruction heterogenous groups are assigned randomly through Zoom breakout rooms. Students are asked to observe a phenomenon and collaborate in groups of three to develop a working model of the governing principles driving the phenomenon. Each group is assigned a Jamboard slide to illustrate their thinking. Jamboard is an online tool which serves as a digital whiteboard for students to freely collaborate, any student with a Google account have access to this tool. It is the expectation of class that every student participates, as a result I assign each member in the group a specific font or color that illustrates member contribution. At specific times in the learning cycle students share their Jamboards in a virtual gallery walk with similar feedback protocol to in class instruction.
Extended Constructed Response (ECR)
Extended constructed response questions provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate the extent of mastery within a given content area while building capacity for sustained critical thinking. Students will be provided an essential question (i.e., How do the laws of thermodynamics limit the efficiency of a combustion engine? Use data to support your claims.), every two weeks, that complements an observable phenomenon or data-driven inquiry lab. It is the expectation that students simply write in class for a set duration of time. This serves as a great independent exercise for meaningful exit tickets to determine what misconceptions or questions students are still grappling with. The ECR is an iterative exercise where students frequently update their responses to improve precision and content mastery through multiple opportunities during the learning cycle. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) heavily emphasize students’ ability to rationalize phenomena. Last year, students dramatically improved literacy skills and produced higher quality responses. To encourage a growth mindset, multiple drafts are required prior to final submission. This process serves as the foundation for a growth mind-set and provide numerous opportunities for students to refine their rationale and improve their mechanics.
Phenomenon Deconstruction
As a science, physics offers opportunities for students to apply a multitude of mathematical concepts and arithmetic skills when describing physical phenomena. This unit will seek to strengthen students’ content mastery of energy transformation while simultaneously refining systems thinking through integrated analysis of LCAs. From my experience teaching at Woodrow Wilson High School, activities that are grounded in meaningful real-world scenarios often lead to the most individual growth. This unit will utilize inquiry as an access point for student ingenuity and provide the context for students to revise their ideas about the concepts being introduced. A typical learning cycle ask students to evaluate a phenomenon through prior knowledge. The key to this pedagogical strategy is presenting a compelling phenomenon that is multi-dimensional and relevant to students. Prior to explaining what is occurring, students are asked to describe what they see to ensure all details are observed. Students are then asked to develop a model that may provide a explain what they are observing. Supplemental activities or questions throughout the learning cycle support student understanding in explaining the phenomenon. Throughout all stages, I do not provide an answer but rather probing questions to guide of determine depth of knowledge. This practice has transformed student engagement and excitement as many want to understand why?