Solving Environmental Problems through Engineering


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction (Overview)
  2. Demographics:
  3. Objectives:
  4. Unit Content:
  5. Teaching Strategies
  6. Activities
  7. References
  8. Teacher Resources
  9. Appendix on Implementing District Standards

How Should I Get to School? A Life Cycle Assessment of DC’s Public Transportation

Zachary J. Meyers

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix on Implementing District Standards

NGSS Standard Integration

The unit will incorporate standards from the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in Unit III. The focus will be primarily on the nature of energy and the associated thermodynamic principles however the LCA with serve as the method for assessment of a real-world energy efficiency scenario.

Disciplinary Core Ideas

Energy is a quantitative property of a system that depends on the motion and interactions of matter and radiation within that system. (HS-PS3-1)

Conservation of energy means that the total change of energy in any system is always equal to the total energy transferred into or out of the system. (HS-PS3-1) (HS-PS3-2)

When two objects interacting through a field relative position, the energy stored in the field is changed. (HS-PS3-5)

Crosscutting Concepts

When investigating or describing a system, the boundaries and initial conditions of the system need to be defined, their inputs and outputs analyzed and described using models. (HS-PS3-4)

Science & Engineering Practices

Use mathematical representation of phenomena to describe explanations. (HS-PS2-2)


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