Caretakers versus Exploiters: Impacting Biodiversity in the Age of Humans


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One Clover and A Bee: The Impacts of Bee Sustainability on Biodiversity in Allegheny County

Jesse Baker

Published September 2020

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"5 Ways Bees Are Important to the Environment." 2020. Accessed July 28, 2020.,different species to co-exist.

It takes more than soil, water, and sunshine to make the world green. At least 30% of the world’s crops and 90% of all plants require cross-pollination to spread and thrive

An Introduction to Biodiversity. Arizona State University Center for Biodiversity Outcomes. Accessed July 15, 2020.

What is biodiversity and why is it important?

Carmichael, Joe. "Hexagons Are as Close as Science Gets to Magic." Accessed August 2, 2016. Are as Close as Science Gets to Magic&text=Believers in sacred geometry ascribe,likely by a higher power.

Hexagons are startlingly omnipresent in nature and their properties are somewhat awe-inspiring.

Cimons, Marlene. "With Shorter Winters, Plants Bloom Early and Die Young." October

19, 2018. has been coming,winters shorter and springs warmer. Spring has been coming earlier, prompting plants to sprout and turn green sooner than ever before. This is because carbon pollution has been heating up the planet, making winters shorter and springs warmer.

Contosta, Alexandra R., Joan Milam, and Christofer Bang. "Mowing the Lawn Less Often Improves Bee Habitat." Mowing the Lawn Less Often Improves Bee Habitat. March 13, 2018. Accessed July 12, 2020.“We found that backyards can,or even planting pollinator gardens.”.

Mowing less frequently can improve pollinator habitat and can be a practical, economical, and timesaving alternative to lawn replacement or even planting pollinator gardens.

Evans, Katy C. Tracking the Health of Feral Bees in Pa, 2018. Lopez-Uribe Lab. September 11, 2018. Accessed July 15, 2020.

These losses are close to the winter losses reported for managed colonies in Pennsylvania by the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association (PSBA), which was 44.5% for the 2017-2018 winter.

FAO of United, Nations. "Declining Bee Populations Pose Threat to Global Food Security and Nutrition." Declining Bee Populations Pose Threat to Global Food Security and Nutrition. May 20, 2019. Accessed July 13, 2020. and other pollinators are,crop yields but also nutrition.

Bees and other pollinators are declining in abundance in many parts of the world largely due to intensive farming practices, mono-cropping, excessive use of agricultural chemicals and higher temperatures associated with climate change, affecting not only crop yields but also nutrition.

Gerretsen, Isabelle. "Why Bees Are Finallly Getting a Break." May 6, 2020.

Lockdowns have put a number of insect-harming practices on hold, creating a friendlier world for wild bees - and conservationists hope some of these changes could be here to stay.

Holsopple, Kara. "BEE WATCHERS NEEDED." May 24, 2019. Accessed July 15, 2020.

Science relies on data. It requires the time and dedication to collect and analyze a lot of information. That’s where volunteers, or citizen scientists, come in.Project Bee Watch is a citizen science project that leverages volunteer labor to understand how pollinators are faring in Allegheny County.

Honeybee Societies and Dance Floor Democracy. Performed by Margaret Couvillon. August 1, 2012.

How You Can Help save Bees, One Hive at a Time. Directed by Noah Wilson-Rich. Performed by Noah Wilson-Rich. TEDxProvincetown. March 2019. Accessed July 15, 2020. This is not just an issue for bees-rights activists. It's a food security issue. Per the BBC, bees pollinate the vast majority of the crops that feed 90 percent of us humans. Read More:

Bees are dying off in record numbers, but ecologist Noah Wilson-Rich is interested in something else: Where are bees healthy and thriving? To find out, he recruited citizen scientists across the US to set up beehives in their backyards, gardens and rooftops. Learn how these little data factories are changing what we know about the habitats bees need to thrive -- and keep our future food systems stable.

Kilvert, Nick. "Scientists Modify Honey Bee Gut Bacterium to Fight Colony Collapse-causing Varroa Mite and Deformed-wing Virus." Scientists Modify Honey Bee Gut Bacterium to Fight Colony Collapse-causing Varroa Mite and Deformed-wing Virus. January 30, 2020. Accessed July 12, 2020.

Colony Collapse Disorder caused the loss of an estimated 40 per cent of honey bee colonies in the US last year — the worst winter decline on record for tracked hives since research began.

Klaeson, Hanna. "The Real Reason Almonds Are Destroying California." July 10, 2020. Accessed July 15, 2020.

Part of it has to do with the enormous amounts of fungicides and insecticides that almond growers use, in particular, an herbicide called glyphosate which is lethal to bees. Although these substances were deemed "bee-safe," in 2019, Ohio State University researchers reported that these chemicals were lethal to bee larvae. Luckily, that realization caused many almond farmers to reduce their use of insecticides during the almond bloom.Another factor is that bees thrive in a biodiverse landscape, and almond orchards are just not that. According to The Guardian, these conditions are in part responsible for the fact that more bees die every year than all other animals raised for slaughter in the United States.

Klein, Simon, and Andrew Barron. "Ten Years after the Crisis, What Is Happening to the World's Bees?" May 17, 2017. Accessed July 28, 2020.

Ten years on from the alarm over disappearing bees, it is fair to say we now know the nature of the problem and what can be done to fix it. It’s up to us to take the steps needed to sustain these precious pollinators of our food for the future.

Klein, Joanna. "You're a Bee. This Is What It Feels Like." You're a Bee. This Is What It Feels Like. December 02, 2016. Accessed July 12, 2020.

Watch as a fellow bee moves in the shape of a figure eight and waggles only where the eight crosses:  The angle of that waggle tells you in which direction to head out from the hive.  The speed of the waggle tells you how far to go.

"Major Threats." Accessed July 15, 2020. is under serious threat,natural resources and environmental degradation.

Biodiversity is under serious threat as a result of human activities.

Masood, Ehsan. "Battle over Biodiversity." August 23, 2018, 424-25.

IPBES 2016 published that pesticides has contributed to falling bee population and $577 billion rely on animal pollination.

Miley, Jessica. "The Buzz of Bees Explained." The Buzz of Bees Explained. February 27, 2019. Accessed July 12, 2020. first the flying sounds,vibrate which translates to sound.&text=During buzz pollination, a bee's,it sits on a flower.

bees wings flap at up to 230 beats per second. These insanely rapid wing movements cause the air to vibrate which translates to sound

Miller-Struttman, Nicole. "The Complex Causes of Worldwide Bee Declines." January

12, 2016. Accessed July 15, 2020.

As we attempt to pinpoint why bees are declining and how we can help them, a common trope is emerging: it's complicated. For example, in a recent review in Science magazine, Goulson et al. (2015) point to several, interacting factors: availability of food and nest resources, exposure to agrochemicals, incidence of antagonists (i.e., disease, parasites and invasive species), and climate change.

More than Honey. Directed by Markus Imhoof. Performed by Markus Imhoof. More than Honey. November 11, 2013. Accessed July 12, 2020. http://www.morethanhoneyfilm.

why bees, worldwide, arefacing extinction

Orde, Elena. "Eating Honey Is Bad for Bees." Eating Honey Is Bad for Bees. August 19, 2019. Accessed July 12, 2020. supporting the honey industry isn’t the best way to protect these incredibly important insects

Shah, Anup. "Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares?" January 19, 2014. Accessed July 15, 2020. boosts ecosystem productivity where,an important role to play.&text=A larger number of plant, sustainability for all life forms.

At least 40 per cent of the world’s economy and 80 per cent of the needs of the poor are derived from biological resources. In addition, the richer the diversity of life, the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development, and adaptive responses to such new challenges as climate change.

Sullivan, Kathryn Demuth. "Ever Wonder Why There Are so Many Hexagons in Nature?" Ever Wonder Why There Are so Many Hexagons in Nature? August 13, 2017. Accessed July 12, 2020., in particular, are often,but definitely not the only.&text=A hexagon is the shape,of its 120-degree angles.

A hexagon is the shape that best fills a plane with equal size units and leaves no wasted space.

Warren, Mobi. The Bee Maker. San Antonio, TX: Mobi Warren, 2019.

In the year of 2036, honeybees are nearly extinct and the world’s crops are disappearing. Melissa’s origami honeybees may be the key to saving them. Set in the present and the past, on a small island off the coast of Crete and in Texas Hill Country, this YA novel shows that young people can overcome adversity by realizing the strength within themselves.

Weaver, Maggie. "#FeedABee Initiative in Allegheny County Gives Bee Colonies Plants and Land to Stay Fed." Pittsburgh City Paper. Accessed July 15, 2020.

In 2017, the Feed a Bee initiative set a goal to fund pollinator-dedicated gardens and farms in all 50 states. And with help from local organization Allegheny County Conservation District (ACCD), Feed a Bee reached this milestone. March 20, 2019.

On its website, Feed a Bee notes, “Bees need to visit about two million flowers to produce one pound of honey.”

What's Happening to The Bees? Why Are They Important. Directed by Ignasi Bartomeus. Performed by Ignasi (Nacho) Bartomeus. What's Happening to the Bees? April 08, 2016. Accessed July 12, 2020.

there are twice as many bee species as bird species

"Why Conserve Pollinators." A Decline That Is Simply Unsustainable. Accessed July 15, 2020.

1 in every 3 bites of food we eat is courtesy of insect pollination. Equally important, 90% of all wild plants and trees rely on pollinators for the survival of their species.  Today, it is generally believed that honey bee decline is caused by a complex combination of factors that progressively weaken their individual and collective immune systems, including diseases, parasites, mono-cropping, and exposure to insecticides, fungicides and herbicides—including some systemic pesticides that permeate the entire plant being treated.

Why Do Bees Build Hexagons? Honeycomb Conjecture Explained by Thomas Hales. Directed by Joe Double and Tom Crawford. Performed by Thomas Hales. Tom Rocks Math. January 16, 2019.

Why Do Bees Love Hexagons? Directed by Zack Patterson and Andy Peterson. June 10, 2014.

Why Nature Loves Hexagons. Directed by Andrew Matthews. Performed by Joe Hanson. It's Ok to Be Smart. August 03, 2017. Accessed July 12, 2020.

tile a plane with cells of equal size, no wasted area...honeybees make round wax cells, as the wax is softened by heat from the busy bees it's pulled by surface tension into stable hexagonal shapes

Writer, Staff. "Bees, Ants, Wasps and Similar Insects of Pennsylvania." Bees, Ants, Wasps and Similar Insects of Pennsylvania. July 22, 2019. Accessed July 12, 2020., Ant, Wasp and Similar.

general characteristics, taxonomic heirarchy, identifying information, relative size comparison, territorial reach/map, anatomy


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