Caretakers versus Exploiters: Impacting Biodiversity in the Age of Humans


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Learning Objectives
  4. Content Background
  5. Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  8. Bibliography
  9. Endnotes

Strands of One Braided Cord: How Humans Are Impacting Biodiversity Through the Spread of Disease

Chelsea Nicole Best

Published September 2020

Tools for this Unit:


1 Venter et al 2016

2 Into the Okavango 2018

3 Seebens et, al, 2016

4 Amphibia Web

5 UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’ ; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’

6 Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution

7 Samset et al 2020

8 UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’ ; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’

9 UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’ ; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’

10 UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’ ; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’

11 UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’ ; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’

12 Globalization and infectious diseases: A review of the linkages

13 Erickson, 2012

14 Erickson, 2012

15 Coker et al., 2011

16 Quammen p. 191

17 Quammen p. 192

18 Coker et al, 2011

19 Jones et al. 2008

20 UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’ ; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’

21 Kolbert

22 Ibid, p. 13

23 Ibid, p. 13

24 Bittel, Jason, 2020

25 Yong, 2019

26 IUCN, 2020

27 One Health: Fungal Pathogens of Humans, Animals, and Plants: Report on an American Academy of Microbiology Colloquium Held in Washington, DC, on October 18, 2017 2019

28 Daugherty and Hung, n.d.

29 “TPWD: Chytrid Fungus and Ranavirus FAQ” n.d.

30 Meko, 2010

31 “Panamanian Golden Frog, San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants” n.d.

32 “Panamanian Golden Frog, San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants” n.d.

33 “Panamanian Golden Frog” n.d., Maryland Zoo.

34  Carpenter et al, 2014

35 Gratwicke, 2010

36 Maragakis, 2020

37 St. John, et al, 2015

38 Holmes, 2003

39 Holmes, 2003

40 Quammen

41 Ibid, p. 172

42 Ibid, p. 167

43 SARS Spread as of 03-28-2003, 2004

44 Volz, Erik et al, 2020

45 Volz, Erik et al, 2020

46 Maragakis, 2020

47 Bittel 2020

48 Kolbert, p. 13

49 Ibid, p. 13

50 Watt, 2012

51 Pike et al., 2014

52 Pike et al., 2014

53 Pike et al., 2014


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