Appendix of Implementing District Standards
This curriculum allows high school Biology or Anatomy and Physiology teachers to address the Next Generation Science Standards. Specifically, this unit meets performance expectation topic Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems. The Performance Expectation (PE) for this unit is HS-LS2-6. This PE states that students will be able to understand that ecosystems are complex and the relationships within the ecosystem are interdependent. Students will be able to describe how organisms within ecosystems affect one another as conditions change. Furthermore, students will cover Cross Cutting Concept HS-ESS3- 1 Cause and Effect. Through the investigative lesson on a country’s habitat loss and emerging infectious disease students are formulating correlations to emerging disease and habitat loss. This investigation allows another standard to be met: Science and Engineering Practices’ Engaging in Argument from Evidence. In HS-ESS3-2, students participate in peer reviews of their individually generated arguments form evidence. In the peer reviews and mini presentations students must provide scientific reasoning for their arguments and share the data they have gathered. Critiques from peers allow students not only to have ownership of the class, but provide opportunities for academic language building in a collaborative setting. Finally, in the Jamboard discussion students are able to articulate their ideas related to Disciplinary Core Idea (DCI) ESS3.C: Human Impacts on Earth Systems. This DCI runs throughout the unit as students understand the many ways in which human action can either be sustainable for the environment or lead to its destruction creating dead zones where nothing survives. Students will articulate the need for reformation of current land-use policies in order to manage our natural resources in a responsible and sustainable manner.