U.S. Social Movements through Biography


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Teaching Situation and Rationale
  3. Unit Content
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Classroom Activities
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Resources
  8. Notes

From Handmaids to Riot Grrrls, using Fiction to Understand Social Movements

Tara Cristin Waugh

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:

Unit Content

This four to five week-long unit is designed to have students understand the importance of social movements and how they are used as vehicles for change. As mentioned before, my students are consciously aware of how movements influence society, as they have seen the effects of Black Lives Matter and Stop Asian Hate, to just name a few. This unit should also remain timeless and, most importantly, relevant to your students, so feel free to replace the social movements I have chosen to focus on with others that appeal to your student population.

First, I would introduce the need for social movements with a focus on the strategies and tactics used in various movements. Then, I would use the biography of Kathleen Hanna to do a quick mini-study on the Riot Grrrl Movement through the use of lecture, slides, pictures, and clips of a documentary. Students will take notes over this information during this first week, knowing that they will need this knowledge to help their understanding of The Handmaid’s Tale and with the culminating activity. Using the information about Hulu’s series The Handmaid’s Tale mentioned earlier in the unit and providing the usual brief historical and biographical context, I will introduce the novel and assign the readings and guiding questions since they will be reading this novel from a social movement lens. Through whole class discussion and reading quizzes, we will make our way through the novel, which usually takes about two weeks. The last week or two will focus on the final activity, which will ultimately merge our overall study of social movement tactics and strategies and the Riot Grrrl collectivization and use of zines to our reading and analysis of The Handmaid’s Tale.

Guiding Questions

Why is it important to understand social movements? How can literature help us understand the need for social action? How can literature inspire social action?

The Strategies Behind Social Movements

To begin this unit and before I introduce The Handmaid’s Tale, I will have students brainstorm about social injustices they see now in their world and examine what people are doing to combat those inequalities. After we make a list of the various ways people try to right the wrongs in our world, students should start to understand the need for social movements in our world.  Then, I will formally give them the basic information about what a social movement is and have them write this down in their notes. In Social Movements, Paul Almeida defines “A social movement [as] an excluded collectivity in sustained interaction with economic and political elites seeking social change.”8 Unifying under a common goal, he also describes how “social movements are usually composed of groups outside institutionalized power that use unconventional strategies (e.g., street marches, sit-ins, dramatic media events) along with more conventional ones (petitions, letter writing campaigns) to achieve their aims.”9 In their history classes, students should have already studied many of the bigger social movements in American History. So after we discuss what a social movement is, I will have students name social movements that they know about, noting any prominent leaders and speakers. I will then assign a short, informal research project giving students specific movements to define each movement's main goal(s) and most effective strategies. For example, you can have them research the Civil Rights Movement and its use of civil disobedience to end segregation and to build support for the Voting Rights Act. This will be an informal and quick research opportunity, and they will prepare a simple presentation about their social movement to the class which will be discussed in detail later in the unit. As presentations occur, the whole class will compile a list of tactics and strategies used by the researched movements to incite change.

If students don’t mention some of the lesser-known tactics that people can use in social movements, I would give students information on everyday forms of resistance or what Almeida calls “weapons of the weak”10 to give an even more comprehensive look at tactics used in the face of extreme danger in a violent, oppressive atmosphere. In these types of environments, excluded social groups will use “petty theft, gossip, work slowdowns, noncompliance, and vandalism.”11 These are lesser-known tactics, but need to be defined, as they might be useful to students for the final project of this lesson.

By the time students are done presenting information about social movements and their strategies, we will have a comprehensive list that students should take notes on. The list that students generate should include writing letters to policy makers, getting the media involved, using social media campaigns, grassroot political backing that could include envelope stuffing or door knocking, picketing or strikes, organizing boycotts, street theater about the issues, and sit-ins or walk-outs (actions of civil disobedience).12 I will inform students that they will need this information not only to understand the historical context of The Handmaid’s Tale, but to help in the study of a particular social movement, in the analysis of the book, and in the creation of the final project for this unit. One point I will make at the conclusion of our broader understanding of social movements is that social movements sometimes occur in response to each other. For example, I would mention how the feminist movement of the ‘60s and ‘70s eventually led to a backlash - a reactionary social movment which was the Conservative Right movement of the 1980s. This will be a crucial understanding to have before beginning the novel because they will be immersed in the dystopian world that was formed from an extremely conservative reactionary social movement, and they will be asked to respond to that movement through acts of resistance and protest.

The Riot Grrrl Movement

After two to three class periods of discussing social movements and the strategies they use to communicate their message, I will turn my students’ focus on the Riot Grrrl social movement as a deep dive into a movement that communicates a strong feminist message while using grassroot, DIY (Do-it-yourself) techniques, like the use of zines, that I know my students will find captivating, since it is a movement started by young people and enveloped in the punk music scene- the epitome of teenage rebellion.

Riot Grrrl Rationale

Before I introduce the novel, I want to teach my students about a hidden, underground feminist social movement from the early 1990s that, I argue, has a strong connection to The Handmaid’s Tale. In Girls to the Front, Sara Marcus describes how this movement was a youthful response to the conservative backlash of the 1980s. It deals with issues such as rape culture and sexism and responds to conservative movement’s ripping apart the feminists of the 1960s and 1970s. During this backlash, second wave feminists were called anti-family, man-haters, and anti anything feminine. In 1989, one of Time magazine’s covers asked, “Is there a future for feminism?”13 As many people began to feel as if feminism was dead, an ember began to glow. Marcus writes that “a movement that loses its young eventually dies out.”14 The second wave of feminism might have taken a hit, but the young never just abandon an important cause. Instead they needed to make it their own -- rebrand it, if you will.  Young women in the early ‘90s felt this backlash in the news, in popular culture, and in their high schools and colleges. Feeling isolated and angry, some young women decided to find their voices in some alternative ways, using alternative spaces -- particularly through the use of zines.  In “U.S. Feminism-Grrrl Style!,” Ednie Kaeh Garrison decribes Riot Grrrl as a “young feminist (sub)cultural movement that combines feminist consciuousness and punk aesthetics, politics, and style.”15 Now, while this social movement may be overlooked by many, it is the perfect movement to bring to the classroom because it was started by young people and has an energy and aesthetic that I know my students will gravitate towards. It was a movement that was raw, messy, and uncensored -- and one that seemed like it couldn’t succeed. Can teenage girls really be taken seriously? Can they really change anything? These young people wanted to challenge those questions. Through personal narrative, creative writing, music, and art work, girls who were taught to be complacent and silent were now loud and brazen. They wanted to take the messages of the “old” ladies from the feminist movements of the ‘60s and ‘70s and make them accessible, more engaging for young people. It is through the use of zines, its unified message through personal narrative and creative writing, and its punk rock aesthetic that this unit will draw inspiration from for the culminating activity. Through this particular use of tactics, these Riot Grrrls formed a network of support, communicated feminist ideas, and created a movement that spread across America in a time when there was no quick access to technology. This movement encapsulated all of the properties of a successful social movement, making it a perfect example to use with students to empower them to make societal changes.

This social movement also reminds me of The Handmaid’s Tale. In the ‘90s, young women were basically told to smile and look pretty in a predatory, male-dominated society perpetuated by the media and popular culture. Their mothers/ grandmothers experienced the dichotomy of the second wave and the subsequent conservative backlash.  These young people felt the residual effects of this split. The Handmaids were also told to be silent and open their legs. They were also dealing with issues of conformity, sexism, rape and sexual assault in this dystopian male-dominated theocracy. The Handmaids would very much want to rebel if truly given a chance. We hear stories of what that rebellion looked like in the book-- everything from Moira’s escape from the Red Center to a Handmaid’s suicide. This makes me wonder what their resistance and rebellion would look like if they were given a pen. I envision it being just as angry and just as DIY as the Riot Grrrls.

Kathleen Hanna:  Using Biography to Understand a Social Movement

To illustrate the true impact of a social movement and humanize its mission, focusing on the biography of social movement leaders can add more engagement for students. For example, teachers often focus on leaders such as Martin Luther King, Jr. or Betty Friedan to generate interest in social movements. Using the lead singer of Bikini Kill, Kathleen Hanna, will be an accessible way to provide visuals and understanding of the leadership and inner workings of this subversive group. The documentary, entitled The Punk Singer, focuses on Hanna and her influence on Riot Grrrl. As a teacher, I will not show the whole documentary, but clips of it. Be aware that this documentary has curse words, so prescreening and selecting your clips is advised. As always, the culture of your school and your students will deem what is acceptable. However, the benefit of seeing Riot Grrrls in action is so powerful. If a teacher did not want to show clips of the documentary, there are so many media images that can be found on the Internet.

To introduce Kathleen Hanna, I will first have students listen to one of her songs and analyze her lyrics. I use music often in my classroom to generate interest in a subject matter because my students are constantly listening to music. I suggest starting with “Rebel Girl,” “Double Dare Ya” or “Jigsaw Youth'' which may be more school appropriate. However, Bikini Kill has many songs to choose from and, ultimately, it would be up to each teacher because their lyrics could be considered risqué in certain educational settings. Next, I will bring in her manifesto to have students know this influential leader more intimately. The first Riot Grrrl zine manifesto can be found through a simple Google search and is listed on the resources below. The manifesto is a prime example of Riot Grrrl’s message and focus for the movement. Having students analyze this will not only help them better understand the Riot Grrrl movement and its message, but will also allow students to use close reading skills to truly ascertain the author's purpose, using a primary source.

Kathleen Hanna is one of the most outspoken, famous leaders from this social movement because of her involvement with popular bands such as Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, and The Julie Ruin. From the documentary, students will be introduced to Hanna’s “origin story” and her involvement in Riot Grrrl. Hanna went to college in Olympia, Washington at Evergreen State College, studying photography. There she met many people who influenced her - one of them being Tobi Vail, who Sara Marcus, author of Girls to the Front, describes as “an Oly punk who played in the Go Team and wrote a fanzine, the thick and hyperliterate Jigsaw.”16 Meeting a like-minded girl musician and fellow feminist, Hanna and Vail decided to start a band that would speak to the complexities and contradictions of being a woman in the early ‘90s in the most outspoken and punk rock ways. Hanna was a fearless entertainer, often scrawling in marker the word “slut” on her stomach and instructing people who attended her shows on feminist issues plaguing the 1990s such as anti-abortion issues, rape, and slut-shaming. She would often ask the men who were offended by her feminist ideas to leave or call them out so other people would know that this heckling and mistreatment was not okay. She would not be silenced by anyone. She soon started calling girls to the front of the stage, not only for their (her band members and girls in the crowd) safety, but to literally create a barrier from the violent moshing that typically occurred in the boy-dominated punk scene. She, Tobi Vail, and others created their first Riot Grrrl zine in D.C. while they were there for the summer.

Along with creating the zine, they held the first Riot Grrrl meeting at the Positive Force House, where she shared her Riot Grrrl manifesto and encouraged other girls to write their own. Over time and as she continued to make headway with her band, she became one of the primary leaders of this movement, even though she didn’t want to be considered the movement’s leader. Marcus describes a Riot Grrrl meeting and describes how Hanna “had a way of talking that made all the present obstacles seem temporary; she brought the future victory into focus. When she talked about the revolution, it wasn’t just rhetoric; she meant it.”17 With her passionate drive for this group and its message and her recent media attention with the explosion of ‘90s alternative music scene thanks to bands like Nirvana,  Hanna began to feel attacked. Like many other social movements, their leaders seem to be criticized from all angles. According to The Punk Singer, she eventually did a media blackout because she did not want to commercialize and commodify the Riot Grrrl message and style, which ended up happening despite Hanna’s objections. Thanks, MTV. Riot Grrrl groups sprung up throughout the nation and other leaders emerged. Hanna took a brief hiatus from the music and media scene due to her battle with late stage lyme disease, but she never lost her passion for the Riot Grrrl cause. Even to this day, she continues on her feminist path, doing what she can for social movements that promote justice and equality.

The History of Riot Grrrl

After introducing the music and writings of Kathleen Hanna, I would give students information about the history of Riot Grrrl using Google Slides. I would have students take notes over the history, especially the techniques and strategies used in this movement, because they will be recreating a Riot Grrrl-style zine at the end of this unit. Using pictures and clips found on the Internet, I would create slides that would juxtapose images next to the information about this social movement.

The Riot Grrrl movement began in the early 1990s in Olympia, Washington, where some young women met to discuss sexism in the punk scene. Eventually, these girls set out to discuss their issues not within the confines of just a few people, but wanted to find others who felt the same way. These girls decided to make their own zines. Soon-to-be-called Riot Grrrls used the tools of “print and visual media; music genres, technologies, and cultures; girl-positive and woman positive expressions; revolutionary and social justice discourses; shock tactics; nonviolent actions; and the Internet.”18 These Third Wave feminists use these tactics “to raise consciousness about, provide political commentary on, and resist and educate against racism, child abuse, rape, domestic violence, homophobia and heterosexism, ablism, fatism, environmental degradation, classism, the protection of healthcare rights, reproductive rights, and equity.”19 In simpler terms, these young girls, tired of sexism, of society silencing or ignoring them, and of seeing all the injustices in the world around them, created zines where they voiced their concerns and passed them out at concerts and other places and then began this network of support. So you might ask yourself, how did this really become a social movement-- one that caused national impact? Social movements usually start around common grievances and these Grrrls had some.  Almeida defines social movements as “excluded social groups that mobilize using noninstitutional tactics to target political and economic elites.”20 The Riot Grrrls fit this definition.

Soon, leaders of the movement emerged. Tobi Vail, Donna Dresch, Kathleen Hanna, Allison Wolfe, Molly Neuman, Jen Smith, and Erin Smith were among the first leaders. All of these women were in bands and they were the producers of zines.  Once certain bands like Bikini Kill (Kathleen Hanna, Tobi Vail, and Kathi Wilcox) and Bratmobile (Allison Wolfe, Molly Neuman, and Erin Smith) toured and their musical success grew, word  about Riot Grrrl spread. Bratmobile moved to the D.C. area; Bikini Kill visited. Riot Grrrl meetings emerged. Once these bands received more attention from the media and the idea and messages of Riot Grrrl grew, more chapters sprung up nationally. At these meetings, the group was “beginning to unify their energy and anger.”21 This ember became a full-on forest fire, melting the broken pieces of the second wave and literally melding it back together in their own unique way.

Despite its grassroots beginnings with zines, Riot Grrrls met to discuss important feminist issues,  held conventions, and attended marches and rallies for women’s causes. It gained national attention, especially in the world of music and pop culture. However, much like the second wave, Riot Grrrl’s fire was put out by 1996 thanks to the media and fractured goals and messages. Many of the group’s leaders, like Kathleen Hanna, were venomously attacked or down-played by the media or even other celebrities. Riot Grrrl groups disagreed with each other about their unified messages and differences emerged, much like in the second wave. In Girls to the Front, Marcus believes that movement failed because no leader could survive. The movement “had never tolerated anything that smelled remotely like a hierarchy.”22 It also lacked organization and communication. Garrison argues that the Riot Grrrl movement might not be this highly mobilized social movement,” but it is despite its lack of true organization or its underground, non-mainstream methods, it “still rall[ied] young women around a common goal”23 -- girl power and fighting against the patriarchy.

Importance of Riot Grrrl Zines

Another important aspect of a social movement is to form a collective identity and to unify their message. These Riot Grrrls did this and “adopt[ed] punk DIY philosophy to encourage women and girls to take the initiative to create art and knowledge, to change their cultural and political landscape, rather than waiting for someone else to do it for them.”24 As mentioned earlier, they did this through the use of zines.  These Riot Grrrls “make use of low-end-- or ‘democratized’-- technologies and alternative media to produce hybrid political texts such as zines and music through which they disseminate knowledge and information about subjects such as (but not limited to) feminism in local-national distribution networks.”25 Starting in Olympia, Washington through the local music scene, these zines started catching on like wildfire. They contained personal editorials, rants, reviews, poems, interviews, drawings, comics, stories, solicited letters from friends, and reprints from mass media.26 They used this cut-and-paste structure and a copier machine to create these raw -  in appearance and emotions- booklets that “engaged in the important political processes of re-envisioning and revising ‘feminism’ and ‘girlhood’ in the contemporary United States.”27 These zines served as a visible artifact of resistance. They would call girls to mark their hands with stars and hearts with sharpies as a “secret” way to identify other Riot Grrrls.  As Boyle reminds her readers when describing the use of the Handmaids as a visible symbol of women’s issues, “Visibility is crucial to community formation and members’ identity development in relation to others.”28 This is what those zines did. It created a visible space where the angry, teenage voice could reside. These zines were “printed on a single sheet of paper folded into quarters, both sides crammed with the blowsy, uneven letters of a manual typewriter,”29 and had names like Riot Grrrl, Girl Germs, Teenage Gang Debs. They would provide addresses so girls could write to each other and interact. They did have to work to find each other, but they eventually did. These zines were distributed through grassroot ways - “independent bookstores, reading groups, rock concerts, and community centers.”30 Eventually these zines begin to “serve a dual private and public function. The zine’s rants spaces, on the one hand, offer places away from oppressive home, school, and work environments where young women can confess, receive support, and regroup. On the other hand,  they constitute a ‘training ground’ for cultural and political activities directed toward wider publics.”31 At this point, I will definitely share images from these zines, so that students can understand their construction and layout. You can find this from simple Google searches, and I will share links to some of my favorite images down in the resources section of this unit.  In small groups, I would give images of various pages from the zines to have students examine these primary source documents. They should take notes about elements, writing style, and graphics used on each page. Again, they will need this information later for one of the final projects. Students may not understand the reason for studying the Riot Grrrls right away, but once they read The Handmaid’s Tale, they will recognize the similar feminist themes. Finally when they are given the final project of creating their own Handmaid zine to help unite the mistreated women of Gilead, the connection to Riot Grrrls will come full circle.


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