The student will:
- prepare for a text-based discussion comparing and contrasting James Weldon Johnson and Augusta Savage. (7.1)
- follow discussion norms to have an effective text-based discussion. (7.1)
- present claims in a clear way, supported by evidence. (7.1)
- use evidence from multiple texts to make connections between James Weldon Johnson and Augusta Savage as well as Lift Every Voice and Sing and The Harp. (7.5)
- quote accurately from the texts to support ideas during a text-based discussion. (7.5)
- compare how two authors emphasize different evidence when presenting biographical and autobiographical information. (7.6)
- determine central ideas and how they are developed in Along this Way and Augusta Savage: Renaissance Woman. (7.6)
- analyze how authors treat the same topic differently by looking at how they present evidence and interpret facts. (7.6)
- determine two or more central ideas and analyze their development over the course of the anchor texts. (7.6)
- write an objective summary analyzing the development of central ideas over the course of the anchor texts. (7.6)
- write a narrative telling the story of Johnson / Savage for elementary school students. (7.7)