Appendix on Implementing District Standards
The two reading standards most emphasized in this unit ask students to closely analyze elements of the text focusing on specific language and structure, and to then use that analysis to determine a theme and its development throughout the text.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.
Students will be covering this standard through their application of close reading analysis of Hughes’ poetry and short stories, particularly when they examine the connotations and impact of Hughes’ syntax. Furthermore, they will be able to analyze the particular historical meaning of some of Hughes' loaded language.
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development throughout the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.
After applying standard RI.8.4, students will use their analysis of specific word choice and structure to discuss the themes presented in Hughes’ poetry and stories. Students will be able to discuss and write about these themes citing specific examples as evidence to support their claims. Students will not only be able to identify the theme in a specific work of literature but an overarching theme across his multiple works during this unit of study.
Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
Throughout the unit, students will be identifying possible themes of Hughes’ literary work, supporting those themes with relevant textual evidence and historical research. The student activity example around short stories particularly addresses this standard.