Literary and Historical Reading with Langston Hughes
Alca Flor Usan
Published September 2021
Tools for this Unit:
“PARCC Model Content Frameworks: English Language Arts/ Literacy Grades 3-11,” Partnership
for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, October 2011, p. 8
Wineburg, Sam. Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone), (The University of
Chicago Press, 2018), 100.
Wineburg, Sam. Why Learn History (When It’s Already on Your Phone), 88.
“Herbert Hoover Middle School,” Public School Review, last modified 2018,
College Board. Springboard Language Arts: Grade 6, CA 2017.
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea. Autobiography. Introduction by Arnold Ramersad. Hill and Wang, 1993,
New York, p.219
Locke, Alain. Enter the New Negro. Harlem: Mecca of the New Negro. Survey Graphic. Vol. VI, no.6.
March 1925.
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.285-290
Hughes, Langston. The Ways of White Folks.
Jordan, Glenn. (2011) RE-MEMBERING THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN PAST: Langston Hughes, Aaron Douglas, and the
Harlem Renaissance, Cultural Studies, 25:6, 848-891
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.11-26
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.11-13
Glenn Jordan (2011) RE-MEMBERING THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN PAST: Langston Hughes, Aaron Douglas, and the
Harlem Renaissance
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.24
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.27-34
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.32
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.62
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.3
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.10
Hughes, Langston. The Big Sea, p.144-171
Campbell, James T. “The Timeliness of Langston Hughes.” The Langston Hughes Review,
vol. 25, no. 1, 2019, pp. 126–135. JSTOR
Hughes, Langston. The Ways of White Folks.
Hughes, Langston. Montage. Henry Holt & Company. 1951, pg 71-73