Appendix in Implementing Districts Standards
PA Common Core Standards
CC.1.4.3.G Write opinion pieces on familiar topics or texts.
The students will write in their interactive journal their different opinions and responses to the book Class Act. We will be going through each chapter answering questions; the students will be able to reflect on their opinions through various writing prompts.
3-5 standards
CC.1.3.3.C Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. CC.1.3.4.C Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. CC.1.3.5.C Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.
The students will compare and contrast the characters in Class Act. They also will compare and contrast the settings in the story. Each character comes from a different home background. The students will compare and contrast the characters to gain more of an understanding on how to embrace people’s differences, and go on to be empathetic towards others who look different, or live in different areas. The students will be describing the characters by doing a character study. This will help them gain an in-depth understanding of the character. The Character study would examine the character’s struggles in all areas of his or her life. This would include home, school, family, and friend’s struggles.
PA Social Studies Standards
5.1 2.C Define fairness in working with others. The learner will: Discuss the importance of treating others fairly and Identify similarities between self and others.
I will be defining equity and equality to the students teaching them about having empathy. Giving them scenarios and having them read texts that help them see that we need to all be treated fairly. I will be modeling in the classroom the acceptance of diversity. I want the students to learn to accept themselves and accept others.
5.4 2.A Explain examples of conflict in the community, state, and nation. The learner will: • Research current conflicts. (e.g., community, state, nation), Participate in discussions on current conflicts , and state emotions relating to current conflict. (e .g ., fear, sad)
I will have the students read Class Act, it deals with real life conflict and we will be tying the book into the conflicts that are happening in the community, in the state, and all over our nation. I will encourage the students to share their emotions relating to the current conflicts. I will use questions to enhance and expand my students thinking about conflict and how to handle conflict in a respectful way. I will model a problem-solving dialogue throughout the day.
5.4 2.C Explain why nations need to work together for peace. The learner will, work cooperatively with peers to achieve a common goal, explain conflict resolution steps and the importance of practicing cooperation and resolution, explain the benefits of working together. (e .g ., less conflict, work done faster, build friendships), and brainstorm reasons nations should work together.
I will engage my students in morning meetings by having them discuss quotes about empathy and coming up with a plan that we can use to spread empathy throughout school, and how we can use it to spread empathy throughout our nation. I will be actively modeling and reinforcing conflict resolution with my students individually. Having a one on one talk with them about how to solve problems and how to develop coping skills to help in conflict. I will also show them how during the pandemic, we had many people come together in our nations to help each other and to support one another.