Appendix on Implementing District Standards
Richmond City Public Schools use the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL). The K-5 standards build on each other, resulting in skills being introduced in earlier grade levels. However, Virginia’s standards were updated in 2017, and through the transitioning crosswalk, the comparison of paired passages was only introduced to 3rd - 5th grade students in the 2020 school year. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in this group of students receiving less exposure to this brand-new standard. Therefore, the majority of this unit focuses on the use of paired passages.
5.5 The students will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, literary nonfiction, and poetry. Key concepts include:
- a) Summarize plot events using details from text.
- b) Discuss the impact of setting on plot development.
- c) Describe character development.
- j) Draw conclusions and make inferences with support from the text.
- k) Identify cause and effect relationships.
- l) Compare/contrast details in literary and informational nonfiction texts.
5.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. Key concepts include:
- d) Summarize supporting details.
- g) Locate information from the text to support opinions, inferences, and conclusions.
- j) Compare and contrast details and ideas within and between texts.
During the writing portion of the unit, students will be using and exploring voice to describe their American Dream. As the first writing assignment of the school year, this will serve an important role in reintroducing students to the writing process.
5.7 The student will write in a variety of forms to include narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive.
- a) Engage in writing as a process.
- b) Select audience and purpose.
- c) Use a variety of prewriting strategies.
- d) Introduce and develop a topic, incorporating evidence and supporting details.
- l) Revise writing for c