Gender, Race, and Class in Today’s America


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. Demographics
  4. Hip Hop Story: A Brief History
  5. Unit Objectives
  6. Essential Questions (DOK)
  7. Lyrics and The Issues
  8. Strategies
  9. Appendix on Implementing District Standards (CCSS)
  10. Bibliography
  11. Endnotes

How Hip-Hop Moved The Crowd to Social Activism

Sharon M. Ponder-Ballard

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:


Annotation and Close Reading

English language arts teachers encourage students to annotate texts as often as we can. We teach tips and strategies to help students annotate effectively, so that they must read closely to make sense of or find meaning in the text.  Annotating means underlining or highlighting key words and phrases—anything that strikes you as surprising or significant, or that raises questions—as well as making notes in the margins. When we respond to a text in this way, we not only force ourselves to pay close attention, but we also begin to think with the author about the evidence—the first step in moving from reader to writer. In addition to other visual literacy strategies, this activity will encourage students to find details they would not have otherwise considered if they were listening or reading the lyrics on their own. They will annotate at least three to four lyrics in the same way that they annotate a text, by looking for and marking patterns, word choices, rhyme scheme, figurative language, unfamiliar vocabulary, themes and anything else they think is worth noting along with making comments and asking questions. This thorough annotation will lead us to the next stage of the activity as we look at close reading.

When you close read, you observe facts and details about the text. You may focus on a particular passage, or on the text as a whole. Your aim may be to notice all striking features of the text, including rhetorical features, structural elements, cultural references; or, your aim may be to notice only selected features of the text—for instance, oppositions and correspondences, or particular historical references. Either way, making these observations constitutes the first step in the process of close reading.

The second step is interpreting your observations. What we're basically talking about here is inductive reasoning: moving from the observation of particular facts and details to a conclusion, or interpretation, based on those observations. And, as with inductive reasoning, close reading requires careful gathering of data (your observations) and careful thinking about what these data add up to.

Think, Pair-Share

Think, pair-share is a technique that encourages and allows for individual thinking, collaboration, and presentation in the same activity. Students must first answer a prompt or essential question on their own and then come together in pairs or small groups, then share their discussions and decisions with the class. Discussing an answer first with a partner before sharing maximizes participation, and helps to focus attention on the prompt given.

Step 1 Think

Begin with a specific question, and give students time to individually think about the answer, and document their responses on their own, either written or in pictures. Students can be given one to three minutes for this part of the exercise.

Step 2 Pair

Students are instructed to get into pairs. Decide beforehand whether you will assign pairs or let students choose their own partners. Remember when pairing to think of students and their personalities. Ask the students to share what they came up with, with their partners and discuss. You can provide questions for the students or have them ask one another. This part of the activity can take five minutes. 

Step 3 Share

This part requires the class to come back together as a unit and host a whole class discussion. You can either choose to have one person report out from each pair or group with the class or the discussion can be more open. Students can also share with the class what their partner said. 


Think, pair-share is a simple technique that enhances students critical thinking skills, improves listening and reading comprehension and helps with collaboration and presentation skills Students who are typically shy may feel more comfortable sharing with the class after sharing with a partner, and students who are outspoken will benefit from first listening to others before sharing their own opinion. Using think-pair-share strategy at a number of different times within the classroom, such as before introducing a new topic to assess prior knowledge, after reading an excerpt or watching a film to encourage opinion formation and critical thinking, or before students begin an assignment, to help them gather ideas. 

Using think-pair-share across disciplines

Language Arts

To enhance reading comprehension and critical thinking within the language arts, use think pair-share after finishing a book or chapter. Ask the students questions to further understanding of themes questions to further understandings of themes and characters, or some what if type of questions. If you’re struggling to come up with questions, think of the Five  Ws, who, what, where, why, when and the bonus question how?

Social Studies

At the start of a unit, you can use think-pair-share to find out what students already know about a topic similar to a K-W-L chart. As you get further into the topic, use this technique to connect students to the subject matter.  For example, ask how they would feel, or what they would do if they lived during a time period, or ask what they think of an ethical issue.


Think-pair-share can be used in mathematics as well. Questions that work well with this strategy include word problems, logic problems, estimations, and patterns. Use this strategy when students are trying to figure out how to approach the problem. 


In science, think-pair-share can be used during hypothesis, formation and experiment interpretation. It can also be used for  introducing new topics, such as, what do we already know about space, or what do plants need to grow?

Vision Boards

Vision Boards can serve many different purposes but, above everything else, its main reason for being is to make the things you want as part of life reality. After discussing the origins and the benefits of hip-hop music, students can work on vision boards. A vision board is a great tool for students that want to set goals over any period of time, and also serve as a crucial part of assessing and evaluating your personal goals. Students could include their personal challenges but also their proudest moments.

As one of the best ways to manifest dreams into reality, virtually every successful professional uses at least one. You don't have to cover each area exactly the same, just take a mental inventory of what you want each of those areas to look like and write them down. Always handwrite your goals instead of typing them, there's something energetic about actually handwriting your goals. From your goals and aspirations, think about what you want on your vision board. Like I said before, what you focus on expands. You'll be amazed at how things just start popping up all over the place once you set the intention for what you want and how you want to feel.

Supplies for Vision Boards

Any kind of board, if you're new, maybe start with a cork board or poster board from the hardware store, they run about a dollar. If you can, I recommend a pin board or something pretty you like to look at -- I got my 24x24" white wood framed pin board on Etsy.

Scissors, tape, pins, and/or a glue-stick to put your board together.

If you want, fun markers, stickers, or anything else you can think of to deck out your board. I don't use that stuff, but if embellishments make you feel great, then go for it. Magazines that you can cut images and quotes from.

Most importantly, the stuff you want to look at every day. Photos, quotes, sayings, images of places you want to go, reminders of events, places, or people, postcards from friends and just about anything that will inspire you.


Give yourself a stress-free hour or two to put your board together. If you're a social butterfly, invite your friends over and make a party out of it. I host a vision board party every year on the first night of my partner mastermind weekend and I can't even tell you how much it sets the tone for the event -- everyone is more focused and less stressed after we do it.


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