Gender, Race, and Class in Today’s America


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. The Unit
  3. The Tuskegee Study
  4. Henrietta Lacks and HeLa Cells
  5. Covid 19 and the Present
  6. Strategies
  7. Activities
  8. Bibliography
  9. Notes
  10. Appendix on Implementing District Standards

Medical Inequality in America: Henrietta Lacks, the Tuskegee Study, and Covid 19

Krista Waldron

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:


Journal Series for Each Unit Section

In our six-week semesters I struggle to get in enough writing, much less balance it between structured and un-structured samples.  Because I am the only English teacher, over time my students become used to writing in their journals, and over time I see them improve their writing and increase their confidence in using a variety of modes.  They will have two-three specific journal topics related each section of the unit: the Tuskegee study, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and the current Covid-19 situation. These journals may help them in their debates or other activities.

For the Tuskegee study: (1) Become Nurse Rivers at the end of her career; reflect back on what she did and didn’t know.  How does her conscience fare?  (2) This time you are the president of our country.  Write a speech on behalf of the country giving an apology for a wrong that has been committed upon some of our citizens (like Clinton’s 1997 Tuskegee speech).  Which event and group of people would you reach out to, and what would you say on behalf of country?  What promises would you make?

For Henrietta Lacks: (1) Consider the perspectives of Deborah, Sonny, and Lawrence.  Whose point of view do you identify with, and why?  (2) If Henrietta had been white, what are the different ways this story may have played out differently?  Consider her from childhood to her cell distribution.  (3) Become Henrietta:  write about how you feel about the use of your cells.

Covid and Vaccinations: (1) Before we begin this section of the unit, write about how you think the last two years—the Covid years—have been different for people who are white and for people of color?  What do you think the research and science will show? (2) Write a commercial or speech convincing any specific group to get vaccinations (healthcare workers, teens, specific populations). (3) Write down and discuss the different arguments you’ve heard from your families and peers about both getting and not getting the vaccine.  In the end, how do you feel?

Historical Figure Debate

We will use this specific debate activity at the end of our Tuskegee unit section. The distinctive difference with this debate is that students will become historical figures, one on each side, supported by classmates to help them organize and deliver arguments. Because my classes are small, they will be in two groups. Each group will select their student representative to be their historical figure. On one side will be Dr. Vonderlehr; on the other will be Charlie Pollard, the best most educated of the survivors. My students with attendance issues leading up to the debate may participate by keeping points and taking notes. The sides will debate three statements. Charlie Pollard will have first arguments for the first and third; Dr. Vonderlehr, will for the second. The same format will be used for all three statements.  After a student or I read the statement to be debated, the opener (Pollard or Vonderlehr) will have one minute to present their main arguments.  The other side will have have thirty seconds to rebut. After five minutes to revise and adjust, the second side will have one minute to present their main arguments and the first will have thirty seconds to rebut.  I will grade students on their use of evidence and organization, as this is practice for other persuasive writing we do in class.

  1. Medical research that might help millions is worth the sacrifices of a smaller group.
  2. The leaders of the Tuskegee study should fund reparations for participants’ families.
  3. Medical researchers should always provide treatment if available.

Graded Discussion

In preparation for our cumulative, final project, we will spend one class period talking through the essential questions for a grade. We will do these in small groups (3-4 students, as my class attendance allows) and rotate after each question after approximately fifteen minutes. One student will take notes for each group. I’ll have the questions posted on the white board, and each group’s questions will be posted under their corresponding questions. Students can use these for their projects. Students will be graded on participation; I will document as I walk around the room.

Cumulative Project

The students will demonstrate their understanding of the issues as individuals or small groups in the unit through a final project, described also above. A key objective of this unit for students to see the progress in medical equity that came out of the Tuskegee study and the experience of the Lacks family.  In both cases, some positive outcomes came from the hard work of individuals and organization such as Fred Gray, Rebecca Skloot, and the CDC. Their challenge will be to take this spirit and apply it to present day Covid-19 issues in our community. This situation is changing so rapidly that the problems are also. As of today, issues they may tackle are misinformation about the virus, hesitancy about getting the vaccine, and mask mandates that are forbidden by the state. We will pay special attention to how they apply to the communities of color and poverty in which my students exist. 

The outcome will be a useful product, such as a brochure, series of public service announcements in any medium, or letters to elected officials.  We will spend time in consideration of the audience and the message. The products will demonstrate understanding of the problem and audience and skills in revision and editing for effectiveness.


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