This two-to-three-week unit attempts to enhance students' content mastery (HS-PS3-2 & HS-PS3-3) and analytical skills by examining the properties associated with various wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum.2 In addition, students will investigate the relationships associated with energetic states of EM waves and their interactions with matter. Students will acquire mastery in electromagnetic wave properties, types of wave interactions as well as a fundamental understanding in the function(s) of various technological components (i.e., TV and cellphone). Students will develop individualized proposals and presentations of their selected technology. In addition, students will suggest how the device could possibly be modified to overcome a preexisting constraint or be used for an alternative application. Prior to the technology analysis we will discuss the Sun’s history and energy profile with regards to atmospheric phenomenon to contextualize and anchor students in the content of the unit. This unit is meant to be a project that elicits individual exploration as well as one that cultivates a depth of thinking that goes beyond the standards of NGSS. It is my hope that students will gain a deeper understanding of electromagnetic radiation and its implications with technological development and utilization in everyday life; and of course, to gain a deeper appreciation of the Sun through this process.