The Sun and Us


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Demographics
  3. Objectives
  4. Unit Content
  5. Teaching Strategies
  6. Activities
  7. Bibliography
  8. Teacher Resources
  9. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  10. Notes

Analyzing Electromagnetic Wavelengths and Their Interactions

Zachary Meyers

Published September 2021

Tools for this Unit:


Optics Labs – Wave Interactions

Students will explore and observe a series EMR interactions with different media illustrating refraction, absorption, scattering, and reflection. A heavy emphasis will be placed on the wavelength and frequency of incoming light and the subsequent angles of reflection or refraction that take place. In addition, students will measure and investigate focal length and magnifications of lens combinations and construct an optical instrument to carry a specific task (i.e., reading glasses, binoculars). All instruments will be prototypes and students will work collaboratively in groups to develop designs. At the end of the week students will present their findings from both inquiry labs and report on their design status. A variety of optical kits from Carolina Biological (i.e., Laser Prism Set) and School Specialty (i.e., Frey Scientific Deluxe Whiteboard Optics Kit) will be utilized for in person instruction. For students that remain remote, a Phet simulation (i.e., Bending Light) will be used to supplement their learning experience.

Build A Flashlight

Students will be tasked with building their own flashlight(s) out of household supplies (i.e., rubber bands, paper towel cardboard, copper wire, aluminum foil, masking tape). Prior to this activity students will have been introduced to open and closed circuits, with circuit design experience. A flashlight will be disassembled to examine the functional elements need to construct the device. Every student will sketch the electrical elements within the circuit design. As a whole group, we will identify the parts of the flashlight and briefly discuss strategies for their own designs. In groups of four, students will sketch their own designs and identify the materials needed for assembly. Students will work in groups much of the class to construct their flashlights. At the end of class, students will present their prototype flashlight as a whole group and will be asked questions about their design and choice of materials. This activity is designed to bridge content from the circuits design to energy. In addition, it will serve as a reference when students’ prepare to their research writing. 

Research Writing – Summative Project-Based Digital Exploration

The summative project will task students to examine and deconstruct a device, identifying the EMR utilized and its subsequent wave interactions that allow the device to perform its function. Prior to this, students will investigate the critical components involved with cell phones and have experience with optics fundamentals. Student may need to conduct research to determine the intricacies of their chosen electrical device. Students will identify and describe the types of energies present, the location of energy transformation as well as develop a proposal to alter or improve a design component. Students will be given a rubric with several checkpoints over a two-week period. Ultimately, students will present to the class about the functionality and operation of their device, the energy required for operation, and explain their proposals. This project will provide an opportunity for students to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for every day digital devices (i.e., microwave, washer, phone, tv, computer).


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