Appendix on Implementing District Standards
Science Standards of Learning (SOL)
SOL 4.1 is new in the 2018 standards. The engineering practices are to be woven through the content and taught all year long. The engineering practices are designed to apply science skills to solve a problem or to make a prototype for an object, tool, process, or system. Computational thinking involves using a computer to make the prototype. All of the activities involve Scratch coding, Makey Makey invention kits, and the Hummingbird robotics kits implement the engineering practices and computational thinking.
SOL 4.2 is a Living Systems and Processes standard. It specifically speaks to the structures of plants and animals that play a key role in their survival. Pollination and reproduction of plants are a part of this standard and the crux of this curriculum unit.
SOL 4.3 is another Living Systems and Processes standard. This standard focuses on ecosystems and human impact. The plight of the bees is a direct result of the actions of humans. The decline and potential extinction of bees will affect not only ecosystems, but the biosphere.