Children and Education in World Cinema


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and Rationale
  2. Content
  3. Teaching Strategies
  4. Classroom Activities
  5. Resources
  6. Bibliography
  7. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  8. Notes

Themes in Encanto and Wadjda

Akela Leach

Published September 2022

Tools for this Unit:


Amador, Victoria. “Fantasy Worlds and Disney Girls” In Debating Disney: Pedagogical Perspectives on Commercial Cinema. Edited by Brode, Douglas, and Brode, Shea T., Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2016. 177-185 Accessed August 8, 2022. ProQuest Ebook Central.

Betancourt, Manuel. “Colombia Enchanted in Memoria and Encanto.” Film Quarterly 1 June 2022; 75 (4): 64–68. 

Bergala, Alain. 2016. The Cinema Hypothesis: Teaching Cinema In the Classroom and Beyond. Vienna: Synema.

Brode, Douglas, and Brode, Shea T., eds. Debating Disney: Pedagogical Perspectives on Commercial Cinema. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2016. Accessed August 4, 2022. ProQuest Ebook Central.

Bush, Jared and Howard, Byron dir. Encanto 2021; Walt Disney Animation Studios.

Domke, Lisa M., Tracy L. Weippert, and Laura Apol. 2018. “Beyond School Breaks: Reinterpreting the Uses of Film in Classrooms.” Reading Teacher 72 (1): 51–59. doi:10.1002/trtr.1677.

Garcia, Maria. "Wadjda." Cineaste, Fall 2013, 51+. Gale Academic OneFile (accessed August 4, 2022).

Lebeau, Vicky. 2008. Childhood and Cinema. London: Reaktion Books.

O'Brien, Gabrielle. "Pedal power: Haifaa Al Mansour's Wadjda." Metro Magazine, no. 181 (2014): 46+. Gale Academic OneFile (accessed August 4, 2022).

Osmond, Andrew. 2011. 100 Animated Feature Films. London: BFI Publishing.

Russell, Willliam B. “The Art of Teaching Social Studies with Film.” The Clearing House 85, no. 4 (2012): 157–64.

"'Wadjda' Is First Feature Film Shot In Saudi Arabia." Morning Edition, September 13, 2013. Gale Academic OneFile (accessed August 4, 2022).

"'Wadjda': Saudi Arabia's First Feature Film and Female Filmmaker." PRI's The World, September 19, 2013. Gale Academic OneFile (accessed August 4, 2022).

Whipple, Michelle. “Let’s Go to the Movies: Rethinking the Role of Film in the Elementary Classroom.” Language Arts 76, no. 2 (1998): 144–50.


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