Appendix on Implementing District Standards
10.2.W.2 Students will routinely and recursively develop drafts, applying organizational structure(s) (e.g., description, compare/contrast, sequential, problem/solution, cause/effect, etc.).
When writing their synthesis in-class writing, students will be focusing on how to organize and draft a compare and contrast essay.
10.3.R.1 Students will analyze the extent to which historical, cultural, and/or global perspectives affect authors’ stylistic choices in grade-level literary and informational texts.
Before reading Things Fall Apart, understanding and studying the historical and cultural perspective is necessary for students to understand the themes, plot, and characters of the novel, as well as the Ibo Tribe’s customs and beliefs.
10.3.R.2 Students will evaluate authors’ perspectives and explain how those perspectives contribute to the meanings of texts.
Students will need to connect the themes and meaning of the text to the author's purpose.
10.6.W.2 Students will develop a clear, concise, defensible thesis statement.
For their in-class writing, students will be instructed on how to write a clear thesis which will be a roadmap for their essay.
10.6.W.3 Students will integrate quotes, paraphrases, and summaries from research, following a consistent citation style (e.g., MLA, APA) to avoid plagiarism.
Students will use textual and visual evidence to back up their argument in their in-class writing.
10.7.R Students will analyze and evaluate the techniques used in a variety of multimodal content and how they contribute to meaning.
Using the artwork from Wiley, Shonibare, and Locke, students will analyze and evaluate the pieces using VIA and Three-Columned Charts.
10.7.W Students will create engaging multimodal content that intentionally addresses an audience and accomplishes a purpose.
Then culminating activity will have students creating multimodal content in the form of fictional portraiture which will not only showcase the student’s understanding of their chosen character, but will also employ the techniques from contemporary Black artists. This project’s purpose is to empower the characters and take back their story from the hands of the colonizer.