Fires, Floods, and Droughts: Impacts of Climate Change in the U.S.


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. School Description and Rationale
  3. Content Objectives
  4. Teaching strategies
  5. Activities
  6. Activity of soil and planting
  7. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  8. Bibliography

"To 'iina 'ate: Water is Life," Navajo Farming During a Drought

Jennifer Tsosie

Published September 2022

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix on Implementing District Standards

The curriculum will use the Navajo Nation and Arizona State Standards.

Navajo Nation Standards

The standard from the Navajo Nation that will be used is: I will develop an understanding of Dine way of life, Concept 3: I will implement and recognize the Dine Lifestyle. The performance objectives to the standard and concept are the following: PO 1. I will classify the Land and Water Beings in my environment. PO 2. I will recognize the edible plants in my environment. PO 3. I will identify the usage of herbs.31 This standard meets the requirements of the Navajo culture and traditional teachings of the land, water and the vegetation that will be mentioned in the curriculum.

Arizona State Standards: World and Native Languages Standards

The strand from the Arizona State Standard of World and Native Language that will be used will be from Cultural Competencies. It states, Use the target language to investigate, explain and reflect on the relationship between the practices, products and perspectives of cultures studied. For this curriculum, the Intermediate level will be used. This level states, the student can investigate and describe similarities and differences in practices, products and perspectives used across cultures to understand one’s own and others’ ways of thinking.32 This standard meets the requirement of students being able to understand the oral stories of Navajo farming in the target language.

Arizona State Standards: Science

The standard from the Arizona State Science Standard that will be used is from the Life Science section. It states, students will use evidence to construct an argument regarding the impact of human activities on the environment and how they positively and negatively affect the competition for energy and resources in ecosystems. Students will be identifying how human impacts can be positive or negative for the agriculture in their community.

Arizona State Standard: Math

The math standard from the Arizona State Standard will be from the number system section. The standard states, students will apply and extend previous understanding of numbers to the system of rational numbers. The performance objective students will focus on is to solve mathematical problems and problems in real-world context by graphing points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane. Students will graph precipitation, water level and temperature.33


The formal assessments that will be used for this curriculum unit will be teacher made assessments and District formative assessments. The district gives a pretest and posttest for the Navajo culture and language classes. In the pre-posttest, students answer multiple choice style questions. They answer two questions about the unit they learning about. In the district formative assessment, students answer five questions about the unit. It has three multiple choice questions and two written responses to a question.

For informal assessments, the teacher will be observing, monitoring discussions and having students present an exit ticket after each activity. They will turn in their KWL charts, the three why’s questions, the concept map and their journals about the weather. They will be graded using a rubric scale for their science experiment. 


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