1 “Kayenta Unified School District.” Home. Accessed July 15, 2023.
2 Nez, Vangee. “Dine Epistemology: Sa’ah Naaghai Bik’eh Hozhoon Teachings.” Doctoral Degree, University of
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3 “Kayenta Unified School District.” Home. Accessed July 15, 2023.
4 Aronilth, Wilson Jr. 1994. Dine Bi Bee Ohoo’aah Ba Sila: An Introduction to Navajo Philosophy. Tsaile: Dine College Library-Unpublished Manuscript.
5 Benally, Herbert. “Navajo Philosophy of Learning and Pedagogy.” Journal of Navajo Education XII, no. 1 (1994): 23.
6 Nez, Vangee. “Dine Epistemology: Sa’ah Naaghai Bik’eh Hozhoon Teachings.” Doctorial Degree, University of New Mexico, 2018.
7 Eder, Donna. “Bringing Navajo Storytelling Practices into Schools: The Importance of Maintaining Cultural Integrity.” Anthropology & Education Quarterly 38, no. 3 (2007): 280. Accessed July 15, 2023.
8 Manookin, Kiri. “The Benefits of Nature-based Writing for English Language Learners.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies, vol. 8, no. 1, 2018, p. 20,