Writing About Nature


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. School Description and Location
  3. Duality
  4. Learning Objectives
  5. Content Objectives
  6. Teaching Strategies
  7. Classroom Activities
  8. Resources and Bibliography
  9. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  10. Notes

Through the Eyes of a Navajo: Nature Writing

Cheryl Singer

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:

Appendix on Implementing District Standards

Arizona State Standards: World and Native Language Standards

Interpretive Reading (IR)

Understand, interpret, and analyze what is read or viewed on a variety of topics.  The student can:

Intermediate/Mid:  1.  Understand the main idea of texts related to everyday life, personal interests, and studies

Intermediate/High:  2.  Sometimes follow stories and descriptions about events and experiences in various time frames.

Presentational Speaking (PS)

Present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, explain, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of readers or viewers.  The student can:

Intermediate/Mid: 1.  Write and share material about a variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.

Cultural Competencies:  Cultures (CUL)

Use the target language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices, products, and perspectives of cultures studied.  The student can:

Advanced:  1.  Analyze and evaluate practices, products, and perspectives of the culture studied and describe how they are interrelated to topics of philosophy, social issues, regionalisms, history, and traditions of their own culture.

Connections (CON)

Build, reinforce, and expand knowledge of other content areas and evaluate information and diverse perspectives while using the target language to develop critical thinking and creative problem solving.  The student can:

Advanced:  1.  Analyze and synthesize information gathered in the target language to think critically and solve problems in other content areas and real world situations in the culture(s) studied and in one’s own culture.

Comparisons (COMP)

Use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language and the concept of culture through comparisons of the target language and cultures studied to one’s own.  The student can:

Advanced:  1.  Analyze and compare features of different registers of language, cultural perspectives as reflected in a variety of genres, and regional varieties (e.g., differences in pronunciation, intonation, stress, dialects, vocabulary, grammar).

Navajo Nation Standards

9th – 12th Oral Dine Language Standards

Standard III:  Utilizing the Navajo language and culture, I will listen, communicate, observe, and understand appropriately.

Concept 1:  I will listen and communicate effectively with logical Dine language structure appropriate to various situations.

PO 3.  I will demonstrate my understandings of oral narratives and other authentic stories.

PO 4.  I will identify the vocabulary used in different contexts.

Concept 2:  I will listen and communicate effectively with logical Dine language structure appropriate to various situations.

9th – 12th Dine Culture Standards

Standards:  I will develop an understanding of Dine way of life.

Concept 2:  I will apply and practice the Dine way of life with confidence.

PO 3.  I will practice respect of nature in my daily life.

9th – 12th Dine History Standards

Standards:  I will understand historical/factual events, people and symbols that influence my family.

Concept 1:  I will present how Dine people and events have influenced the development of Dine communities and culture to the present day.

PO 4.  I will research and analyze changes in cultural practices.

9th – 12th Dine Character Building Standards

Standard:  I will develop and apply critical thinking to establish relationships with the environment.

Concept 1:  I will use my critical thinking to establish relationships with the environment.

PO 2.  I will coordinate a plan to show respect of the environment.


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