Environmental Justice


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Content Matter Discussion
  3. Teaching Strategies and Classroom Activity Overview
  4. Specific Classroom Activities
  5. Bibliography
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Notes

Environmental Justice and Land Issues of Indigenous People

Mark Hartung

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:


1 “Estimated Indigenous Populations of the Americas at the Time of European Contact, Beginning in 1492,” Statista, 2023, https://www.statista.com/statistics/1171896/pre-colonization-population-americas/#:~:text=Prior%20to%20the%20arrival%20of,was%20around%20sixty%20million%20people.

2 “Estimated Indigenous Populations of the Americas at the Time of European Contact, Beginning in 1492,” Statista, 2023, https://www.statista.com/statistics/1171896/pre-colonization-population-americas/#:~:text=Prior%20to%20the%20arrival%20of,was%20around%20sixty%20million%20people.

3 https://www.npr.org/2021/11/02/1051146572/forced-relocation-native-american-tribes-vulnerable-climate-change-risks#:~:text=Indigenous%20nations%20in%20the%20U.S.,the%20continent%2C%20the%20researchers%20found.

4 “Indigenous People of Brazil,” Atlas of Humanity: Exploring the Cultural Diversity, accessed 7/14/2023. https://www.atlasofhumanity.org/indios.

5 Robert D. Bullard and Glenn S. Johnson, “Environmental Justice: Grassroots Activism and Its Impact on Public Policy Decision Making,” Journal of Social Issues, (2000) 558.

6 Paul Mohai and David Pellow and J. Timmons Roberts, “Environmental Justice,” Annual Review of Environment and Resources (2009): 406,407.

7 Mohai et al., Environmental Justice, 407.

8 Mohai et al., Environmental Justice, 407.

9 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/north_america-july-dec11-blackhills_08-23

10 https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/sioux-treaty#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20government%20set,a%20treaty%20with%20the%20Sioux.

11 https://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/sioux-treaty#:~:text=The%20United%20States%20government%20set,a%20treaty%20with%20the%20Sioux.

12 Tom LeGro, “Why the Sioux are Refusing $1.3Billion.” PBS News Hour. August 42, 2011, https://www.pbs.org/newshour/arts/north_america-july-dec11-blackhills_08-23

13 https://www.oyez.org/cases/1979/79-639

14 Tom LeGro, “Why the Sioux are Refusing $1.3Billion.”

15 Tom LeGro, “Why the Sioux are Refusing $1.3Billion.”

16 “The Dakota Access Pipeline,” https://earthjustice.org/case/the-dakota-access-pipeline.

17 Bill McKibben, “A Pipeline Fight and America’s Dark Past,” The New Yorker, September 6, 2016.

18 Ryan W. Miller, “How the Dakota Access Pipeline Battle Unfolded,” USA Today, December 2, 2016.

19 Rebecca Hersher, “Key Moments in the Dakota Access Pipeline Fight,” NPR KQED, February 22, 2017, https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/22/514988040/key-moments-in-the-dakota-access-pipeline-fight.

20 Rebeca Hersher, “Key Moments in the Dakota Access Pipeline Fight.”

21 Robert D. Bullard and Glenn S. Johnson, “Environmental Justice: Grassroots Activism and Its Impact on Public Policy Decision Making,” Journal of Social Issues, (2000) 558.

22 Rachel Treisman, “How Loss of Historical Lands Makes Native Americans More Vulnerable to Climate Changes,” NPR, November 7, 2021,  https://www.npr.org/2021/11/02/1051146572/forced-relocation-native-american-tribes-vulnerable-climate-change-risks.

23 Rachel Treisman, “How Loss of Historical Lands Makes Native Americans More Vulnerable to Climate Changes,”

24 Rachel Treisman, “How Loss of Historical Lands Makes Native Americans More Vulnerable to Climate Changes,”

25 Rachel Treisman, “How Loss of Historical Lands Makes Native Americans More Vulnerable to Climate Changes,”


27 Mauricio A. Abreu, “European Conquest, Indian Subjection and the Conflicts of Colonization: Brazil in the Early Modern Era,” GeoJournal 60, no.4 (2004): 366,367.

28 Mauricio A. Abreu, “European Conquest” 366,367.

29 Mauricio A. Abreu, “European Conquest” 366,367.


31 Tim B. Van Solinge, “Deforestation Crimes and Conflicts in the Amazon,” Springer Science and Business, 2010. 

32 Conceicao, et al, pg 1,2.

33 Solinge, “Deforestation Crimes and Conflicts,” 265.

34 Schwartzman et. al, pg. 5

35 Solinge, “Deforestation Crimes and Conflicts,” pg. 265.

36 Solinge, “Deforestation Crimes and Conflicts,” 271.

37 Solinge, “Deforestation Crimes and Conflicts,” 271.

38 Solinge “Deforestation Crimes and Conflicts,” 272.

39 OurWorldlnData.org/child-mortality/

40 OurWorldInData.org/trust 


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