Environmental Justice


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Rationale
  3. School Demographics
  4. Content Objectives
  5. Teaching Strategies and Classroom Activities:
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Bibliography
  8. Notes

Environmental Injustice in Chicago’s Southwest Side: Pollution, Past and Present

Nancy Ibarra

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:

School Demographics

Seward Communication Arts Academy is a Pre-K through 8th-grade neighborhood school located in the Back of the Yards neighborhood. Back of the Yards is a vibrant community composed of mostly Mexican immigrant families. Our students are bright, inquisitive, and in the process of becoming active members of our global society. They have legitimate concerns about the world they live in and are constantly searching for ideas of how to make it better. Presently, we have 482 students. Ninety-seven percent of our students are Latinx, mostly of Mexican background. More recently, we have new students from Central and South America, diversifying our Latinx population. Ninety-eight percent of our students come from low-income households. Fifteen percent of our students have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and fifty-six percent are English language learners. Before Mexican immigrants came to this area of the city, Irish, German, Polish, Lithuanian, and other European immigrant workers lived here. Back of the Yards is historically an immigrant community and continues today. This unit will be written for about 60 8th-grade students, mostly children of immigrant parents. We are an International Baccalaureate school, which means our units are planned within a global context lens. Aside from this, there is a dire need for social justice centered education within the science curriculum since scientific innovation does not always treat members of our society fairly.


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