Nature-Inspired Solutions to Disease Problems


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Learning Objectives
  3. Content Objective
  4. Teaching Strategies
  5. Activities
  6. Appendix on Implementing District Standards
  7. Resources
  8. Notes

Mimicking Nature to Create a Classroom Culture

Joseph Parrett

Published September 2023

Tools for this Unit:

Teaching Strategies

Notice and Wonder

In this strategy the teacher presents a picture, video, or object and challenges the students to look carefully and share what draws their attention about the object. Sometimes the teacher records student responses to revisit or revise at a later time.


Modeling involves performing an activity or task and having the students watch and share what they saw. The teacher can be the model, other students can be the model, or animals engaged in a manner that we might utilize in class could also be the model. Role playing often is connected to modeling. The teacher sets up a situation and selected students act out the situation.


Brainstorming is a strategy for activating prior knowledge or making connection to content. The new content can be connected to the students themselves, connected to something they notice in the “real world”, or connected to a familiar story. Brainstorming is essentially asking student to think on a topic and name things that they believe are related to the topic. At the time of brainstorming, we are not evaluating the correctness of answers just recording responses. Brainstorm is very useful in rooting out misconceptions related to the topic.


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