Landscape, Art, and Ecology


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction: A Multispecies Study
  2. Content Objective
  3. Classroom Context
  4. Butterflies: Small Bodies, Huge Impact
  5. The Fluttering Existence of Butterflies in Art History
  6. Human Migration
  7. The Migrants Connection and Advocate Artists
  8. Teaching Strategy
  9. Classroom Activities
  10. Appendix
  11. Annotated Bibliography
  12. Notes

The Art of Understanding and Connecting through Butterflies

Stephany Jimenez

Published September 2024

Tools for this Unit:

Classroom Activities

Lesson 1: “I can analyze, interpret, and create the depiction of butterflies” (Inspired by Ernesto Muñiz)

Summary- The first activity is an introduction to the portrayal of butterflies artistically throughout history. Once students have grasp their understanding in the representation of butterflies through our historical content analysis, I will ask students to choose a depiction they feel strongly about (ex: human spirit, life's ephemerality, natural beauty, elegance, transformation, hope, resilience, etc.) and this will become the focal theme of their first project- a photomontage. This photomontage will be broken into three parts: The background, middle ground, and foreground. These sections should interplay establishing depth, contextual storytelling, and have an aesthetic balance. After the project is complete, student will create an artist statement that contains a brief written description of their work in order to help viewers understand their thought process. Ultimately, it should convey the meaning of the butterflies. Following this assignment will be a classroom gallery walk. A gallery walk is a student engagement activity in which students display their artwork, move around the room and explore their classmates’ artwork while responding to the assortment. We will discuss similarities, differences, highlights, and overall project experience.


  • Make connections between prior knowledge and new information using the process of analysis
  • Note relevant information using visual thinking
  • Create a visual representation in response to butterflies in art history (photomontage)
  • Synthesize visual information in a landscape format considering the back ground, middle ground, and foreground


  • Bristol Board,
  • Magazines, newspapers, photos, or other recycled illustrations
  • Scissors and/or utility knife
  • Cutting matt
  • Glue stick
  • Writing utensil
  • Sketcbooks/notebook


Create a Photomontage that illustrates your chosen portrayal of butterflies. This mixed media art form involves combining multiple images to create a new meaning. It includes cutting and pasting photographs, as well as adding non-photographic elements like text, shapes, or patterns. To create an aesthetically pleasing composition, please consider the following:

Background- This is the furthest part of the scene. It gives some context to the scene, where it might be taking place. In this case, where would one place these butterflies given the perspective? A nature landscape? A spiritual environment?

Middle ground- This is the central area of your image, between the foreground and background.  It is often where the main subject or focal point resides which will be your butterflies. You may chose to have one or several butterflies species. Purposefully utilize principles of design in this space.

Foreground- This is the part of the scene that is closest to the viewer. Here is where your interpretation will become illuminated through images such as human figures, wildlife, objects, symbols, and even text.

Lesson 2: “I can make a connection between monarch butterflies and migration.” (Inspired by Jaqueline Romo and Laurie Buman)

Summary- In this lesson, students will be working independently on a two-part painting that demonstrates the connection of monarch butterflies and human migrants on their journey. Student will have the opportunity to share their own personal experiences on this project or chose to express their thoughts of migration indirectly based on narratives they gathered from family members or close friends. Part 1 will consist of a painted landscape of their choosing that had a profound impact in their life during, before, or after migration. Additional imagery and text will be encouraged to express mood and/or cultural references. Part 2 will be a stained glass-like design of monarchs completed on a transparency sheet, which will later be placed on top of the landscape in order to create one cohesive piece. The stain glass effect will be a mirroring representation of hope and resilience. Prior to completing the assignment, students will  swap  their work-in-progress, and provide meaningful feedback to a classmate while receiving insight in exchange. They will proceed by either revising or adding to their final artwork before our gallery walk. In the process, I hope they engage in communicating various perspectives and empathize for one another while also considering the significant lives of monarchs.


  • Recognize that their experiences and perceptions have value
  • Explore the elements of art and principles of design in two artistic forms
  • Design a composition that connects monarchs and human migration experiences
  • Share meaningful feedback with peers based on knowledge of content


Part 1: Landscape

  • Press painting paper
  • Paints (Watercolor, tempera, or acrylic)
  • Paint brush
  • Additional drawing/painting utensils

Part 2: Stain-Glass Monarchs

  • Stained glass sheets or transparency sheets
  • Black and colored markers
  • Double-sided tapeor liquid glue
  • Construction paper or cardstock for frame
  • Monarch butterfly templates (optional)


Part 1: Create a landscape painting that expresses your personal migration experience or that of a loved one. What would you like your viewers to know about this journey? How would you like them to feel? You may draw on your views that occurred before, during, or after your migration. All paintings convey mood in some sort of way, and landscape as the subject matter sublimely so. Therefore, please use elements of art with intention to create strong currents of emotion such as nostalgia, melancholy, serenity, joy, or even subtle combination of these. Color, content, and the overall composition can contribute to the mood of the painting.

Part 2: You will mimic the notion of Stained glass by creating a mesmerizing mosaic design of monarch butterflies on regular paper, then transferring it to a transparent sheet. The arrangement of the butterflies is your choice. Outline the design in black and fill the space with color markers. Lastly, using tape or glue, carefully place your stained glass design on top of your landscape. Be prepared to share your work, and support your artistic approach.

Lesson 3: “I can work collaboratively to bring awareness and establish social change.” (Inspired by Favianna Rodriguez)

Summary- In this lesson, students will work together in a communal effort to complete a large textile art piece. Motivated by what they have learned thus far in the unit and inspired by social justice for immigrants, we will create a work of art that will be shared with the entire school. This lesson will also be divided into two parts. The first portion of this lesson will be creating relief prints with the conservation of monarch butterflies in mind. Through a series of prints, students will illustrate the vital importance of preserving the lives of monarchs as well as what we can do to in advocating for these creatures. This can be done through images and text. These student-made designs will then be utilized for the second part of this assignment- creating a giant quilt-like textile crafted by recycled clothing of our community. Ideally, I would like the fabric to be donated from my students, their families, and our school staff that they may have worn in the duration of migration or share value to a relatable experience. We will create an arrangement and sew them together carefully. Proceeding this stage, we will stamp the relief print designs directly into the fabric in a purposefully story-telling manner. In addition, we may add additional components using other recycled items and/or paints. Once completed, we will publicly display our artwork for everyone to see. To conclude this unit, students will write an Artist’s reflection of their overall thoughts, discoveries, and take-aways. 


  • Recognize that their experiences and perceptions have value
  • Work collaboratively on a textile wall piece, strategizing about theme, medium, and individual student contribution to the finished work
  • Explore the elements and principles of are as they choose compositional layout
  • Gain experience with sequential imagery to convey a common message
  • Develop visual images and symbols using a collaborative process
  • Establish reflection through documentation of thoughts, acknowledgement of accomplished objective and share the process


  • Recycled fabrics (donated by student, families, and community)
  • String, ribbon, yarn
  • Scissors
  • Sewing kits
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Linoleum blocks
  • Gouge tool
  • Roller or brayer
  • Spoon or baren
  • Block ink (preferably monarch wing colors)
  • Drawing utensils


Relief Print: Create a design to inform your audience of significance of monarchs from their contribution to our food source to essential migration. This design will be transferred to a linoleum block to make a series of prints. Complete the following steps for relief print-making:

  1. Prepare your block.You can use a dull pencil or pen to design your image into the block.
  2. Carve your image. Use gouges to remove areas of the block that you don't want in the final print, leaving others raised in relief.
  3. Apply ink using a roller or brayer. Gently roll it onto the block, covering the entire surface to the edges.
  4. Place on “testing” paper: Carefully position the paper over the inked block.
  5. Apply pressure to the block. Use a spoon or baren to apply pressure to the back of the paper, or run the paper through a printing press
  6. Remove the paper by carefully lifting it away from the block.
  7. If you are happy with the print, save your linoleum block for part 2. Modify if needed.

Collaborative Textile: Bring in clothing you chose to recycle but hold of value to you based on your experiences. Contribute in sewing the pieces together and adding to the overall layout to make our audience socially aware.

  1. Generate a common theme/focus
  2. Brainstorm focused content and imagery (migration and monarchs)
  3. Create Sketches and reach an agreement
  4. Finalize the composition
  5. Calculate needs and collect materials
  6. Cut fabric to desired shape that suits projected structure
  7. Arrange the composition
  8. Streamline the order of operations (share responsibilities to ensure that everyone is contributing in a certain manner)
  9. Sew pieces together using
  10. Apply relief prints to the composition
  11. Add any desired components
  12. Display and admire


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