Appendix on Implementing Pennsylvania Arts Standards
Standard 9.2.5.C – Relate art to various styles
We will be discussing landscape and still life art along with observational and technical drawing. Examples of historical and relevant landscape art will be used in correlation with certain discussion and drawing prompts. Writing examples of varying styles will also be used to illustrate the different concepts that we will touch upon. We will also be discussing how various artworks fit into the history of our neighborhoods, city, state, and nation.
Standard 9.2.5.F – Application of appropriate vocabulary
All elements of visual art (line, shape, form, color, value, texture, and space) will be discussed along with the vocabulary that goes along with them. Concepts that we will be specifically be touching upon other than the elements will include landscape, still life, shading, collage, symbolism, realism, depth, color theory, etc…
Standard 9.3.5.B – Describe work by comparison of similar and contrasting characteristics
Students will be able to chat about their work, what elements they used in the creation of their work. They will be able to compare their work with other students and also compare their work (writing and drawing) with their notes and planning documentation.
Standard 9.3.5.D – Compare similarities and contrasts using vocabulary of ‘critical response’
We will have regular discussion on how the work was created, what art elements were used, and how those specific elements were used in each piece. We will also be able to chat about the similarities and differences of the students’ responses to the various writing and drawing prompts.