Teaching Strategies & Pedagogical Considerations
Gradual Release of Responsibility (GRR)
This strategy is built around modeling and chunking content. We begin in whole group during Part Two where everyone is responsible for taking notes, however, I am guiding and demonstrating throughout the process. The first release happens when students get into small groups to complete the dream analysis, this creates a shift in my role as teacher to facilitator. Finally, when students reach Part three, they should have a strong sense of agency over their work and are able to facilitate research and collaboration with minimal assistance from the teacher.
Demystifying Content
Students will interact with various content that may be challenging to understand and might also create discomfort. Rather than attempting to avoid this, by demystifying content, students can hone processes that It will be important to break down meanings and address common misconceptions at the start of the unit. It is very often that we use specific words or phrases, but the understanding will differ person to person and some students fear classroom discussions because they don’t want to be wrong30. In demystifying content, the class can establish a shared definition and help to foster a risk-taking space.