Appendix on Implementing District Standards
CC.6-8.W.HST.9 Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis reflection, and research.
Students will conduct research during Part 2 of the curriculum and will present their research to their classmates.
SS.IS.8.6-8.LC. Analyze how a problem can manifest itself and the challenges and opportunities faced by those trying to address it.
During Part 2, students are specifically asked to identify how freedom dreams were inspired by adversity.
SS.CV.3.6-8.LC, MdC, MC. Compare the means by which individuals and groups change societies, promote the common good, and protect rights.
Students not only explore different cases of collective action, students will also engage freedom dreaming to create solutions for the issues they believe effect society and will exchange ideas in the culminating activity.
SS.H.1.6-8.MdC. Analyze connections among events and developments in broader historical contexts.
Students will conduct research, exploring different cases of collective action in order to discover connections between the various cases.
8th MA:Pr4.1.8a. Integrate multiple contents and forms into unified media arts productions that convey specific themes or ideas in order to reach a given audience.
Students will engage freedom dreaming to create solutions for the issues they believe effect society and will exchange ideas in the culminating activity. As they share their vision, students will use multiple forms of art and media to convey their intent.