Poetry as Sound and Object


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction and Overview
  2. Background
  3. Rationale
  4. Content Objectives
  5. Teaching Strategies
  6. Classroom Activities
  7. Appendix on Implementation of Standards
  8. Annotated Bibliography
  9. Notes

Do You Hear What I Hear? Can You See What I See? Poetry Explored

Lauren Hughes Freeman

Published September 2024

Tools for this Unit:

Annotated Bibliography

Anthony Deringer, S. 2017. “Mindful Place-Based Education: Mapping the Literature.” Journal of Experiential Education 40 (4). Compelling information regarding Place-Based Learning that was helpful for background information and connections to the unit.

Ayotte-Beaudet, Jean Philippe, Félix Berrigan, Antoine Deschamps, Kassandra L’Heureux, Marie Claude Beaudry, and Sylvain Turcotte. 2024. “K-11 Teachers’ School-Based Outdoor Education Practices in the Province of Québec, Canada: From Local Initiatives to a Grassroots Movement.” Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 24 (2).

Djonko-Moore, Cara M., and Nicole M. Joseph. 2016. “Out of the Classroom and Into the City: The Use of Field Trips as an Experiential Learning Tool in Teacher Education.” SAGE Open 6 (2). An excellent source for encouraging the argument for and importance of meaningful field trips for school children.

Hamilton, Erica, and Lisa Marckini-Polk. 2023. “The Impact of Place-Based Education on Middle School Students’ Environmental Literacy and Stewardship.” Cogent Education 10 (1). Strong source for background information and history of Place-Based Learning.

Leopold, Lisa. 2012. “Prewriting Tasks for Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic Learners”. TESL Canada Journal 29 (2):96. An amazing source for kinesthetic learning that provided support for differentiated instruction, varying learning styles and the overall benefits of kinesthetic learning.

Loose, Tianna, Sylvana Côté, Catherine Malboeuf-Hurtubise, Jean Philippe Ayotte Beaudet, Geneviève Lessard, Nicholas Chadi, Lise Gauvin, Isabelle Ouellet Morin, and Marie Claude Geoffroy. 2023. “Protocol for the Open Sky School: A Two-Arm Clustered Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of a Nature-Based Intervention on Mental Health of Elementary School Children.” BMC Public Health 23 (1). A substantive read that enhances the argument for Place-Based Learning.

McInerney, Peter, John Smyth, and Barry Down. 2011. “‘Coming to a Place near You?’ The Politics and Possibilities of a Critical Pedagogy of Place-Based Education.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 39 (1).

Mohamed, Feisal. “Poetry as Sound and Object.” Yale National Institute. Lecture presented at Yale National Institute Seminar Intensive Session, July 8-20, 2024. An enthralling and magnetic session with a deep dive into several different poetry forms such as sonnets, shape poems, erasure, black aesthetics and more. The lecture examined, demonstrated and highlighted many aspects of poets and their works as well.

Salazar Jaramillo, Pilar, and Yeyson Espejo Malagon. 2019. “Teaching EFL in a Rural Context through Place-Based Education: Expressing Our Place Experiences through Short Poems.” European Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (3): 73.

Smith, G. A. (2002). Place-Based Education: Learning to Be Where We are. Phi Delta Kappan83(8), 584-594. A leading proponent for PBE, Smith provided a wealth of historical content and background information. Promoted the use of this learning style and reminded all that this is not a new practice.

Smith, Gregory A. 1999. “Place-Based Education: Learning to Be Where We Are.” Phi Delta Kappan 83 (8). A leading proponent for PBE, Smith provided a wealth of historical content and background information.

Smith, Gregory A. 2013. “Place-Based Education: Practice and Impacts.” In International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education, 213–20. Taylor and Francis.

Soiferman, L K. 2019. “Writing Is Hard Work: The Importance of Story Sharing in a Writing Classroom Involving Collaborative Colleagues as Guest Speakers.” Online Submission.

Sonnenschein, Susan, Michele Lee Stites, Hatice Gursoy, and Jeniffer Khorsandian. 2023. “Elementary-School Students’ Use of Digital Devices at Home to Support Learning Pre- and Post-COVID-19.” Education Sciences 13 (2).

Tuchod Omela, Edwin, and Matronillo del Mundo Martin. 2020. “Teachers’ Motivational Strategies Employed in Teaching Passive Pupils.” EDUCATUM Journal of Social Sciences 6 (1).

Vallicelli, Arthur E. "The Practicality of Poetry: Using Sonnets to Improve Reading Ability." Order No. 3552299, Northern Illinois University, 2012. Excellent source for statistics and the improvement of reading and writing through the use of poetry; sonnets specifically.

Wijekumar, Kausalai Kay, Karen R. Harris, Steve Graham, and Puiwa Lei. 2022. “A Teacher Technology Tango Shows Strong Results on 5th Graders Persuasive Writing.” Educational Technology Research and Development 70 (4).


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