Appendix on Implementing District Standards
Washington D.C. uses the Next Generation Science Standards as the framework for the high school science courses. These standards have many applicable statements, including the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts. I will focus on the topic standards. Standard HS-PS1-3 Matter and its Interactions is the first that applies. Students will use the voltage generated from Faraday’s Law and the photovoltaic solar cells to determine the electrical strength between the particles, specifically, when using the electrical field to move a motor.
The second applicable standard is HS-PS2-5 Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions. Students will use a changing magnetic field to generate an electrical current. The students will collect data and explore how the variables in a changing magnetic field will increase or decrease voltage produced. These standards also connect to common core standards for English and Literacy, as well as mathematics.51 In the context of a high school introductory course, this curriculum unit could be a culminating unit that incorporates many concepts throughout the year and those concepts that are typically more advanced and implemented at the end of the academic year.