1 “William C. Overfelt High School 2022-23 School Accountability Report Card (Published During the 2023-2024 School Year),” East Side Union High School District, accessed June 18, 2024,
2 “English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Detailed Test Results for: School: William C. Overfelt High,” California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, accessed June 18, 2024,
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6 “Detailed Test Results for: William C. Overfelt High.”
7 Russell K. Hobbie and Bradley J. Roth, “Exponential Growth & Decay,” in Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology (New York: Springer Science + Business Media, LLC, 2007), 31.
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15 Bybee et al, The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Origins and Effectiveness, (Colorado Springs: BSCS, 2006), 5.
16 Pooja G. Sidney and Martha W. Alibali, “Making Connections in Math: Activating a Prior Knowledge Analogue Matters for Learning,” Journal of Cognition and Development 16, no. 1 (2015), 179.
17 NBC News, “2020 Timeline: The Year Of The Covid Pandemic | NBC News NOW,” YouTube, 0:00-2:05, December 23, 2020,
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19 Stacy J. Priniski, Cameron A. Hecht, and Judith M. Harackiewicz, “Making Learning Personally Meaningful: A New Framework for Relevance Research,” The Journal of Experimental Education, 86, no. 1 (2017), 3.
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22 Kim Greene, “What is explicit instruction?,” Understood, accessed July 10, 2024,
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