The Unknown Voice of My Students

byMartha Margarita Tamez
The myth about students that in poor conditions cannot learn has been dismissed by the generosity of the curriculum unit named The Unknown Voice of My Students. It shows the grace of learning with teenagers, without losing respect and purpose. With the help of games and discussions the teacher immerses in class, not only poetry theory but literary terms used by writers provoking specific reactions by the listener or reader.

Forty-four are the literary terms taught during the first six months of the scholar year. It is an accumulative process that refers to literary terms learned throughout those months.

The Unknown Voice of My Students is intended to expand the daily expressions of students, vocabulary and written forms, taking advance of technological devices that students enjoy at every time.

(Developed for English as a Second Language, grades 6-8; recommended for English as a Second Language, grades 6-8)

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