Index of all Curriculum Units, 2005-2024

section "W"

Selecting a Unit number will take you to the Guide Entry for that Unit.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Directory of Volumes | Yale National Initiative


and Presidency
12.03.08 The American President and War Powers: Combatting views

Civil Liberties
12.01.01 War on the Home Front: Politics and the Zoot Suit
05.03.09 Free, but Not Free: Civil Liberties in a Time of War
05.03.12 Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security

14.01.12 Reading Art in Language Arts: Characterizing Human Atrocities from the Slave Trade to the Second World War

in Film
09.01.06 Interpreting Vietnam: War Stories and Film
07.01.05 War of the Worlds-Multimedia Adaptations
06.01.03 The Spanish Civil War through Film


American Revolutionary War
14.01.05 Experiencing the Revolutionary War Era through Visual Images
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
08.03.09 Taxes, Rebellion, and the Birth of a New Nation

16.01.07 Agents of Change: How American Indians Helped Change the World in Only Seven Years
14.04.08 The Politics of Rhetoric: William Golding's Lord of the Flies and Leadership Speeches of World War II
05.01.09 A Century of War in Poetry: 1915-2015

22.02.03 Imperial Dilemma – Great Society versus Vietnam in the 1960s
09.07.04 Toxic, Persistent Chemicals in Human Environments: Case Studies of Agent Orange Use in Vietnam, 1965-1970 and Methyl Mercury in Minamata Bay, Japan, 1932-1968

in Literature
14.02.04 Dulce et Decorum Est: Common Core and the Poetry of War
14.04.08 The Politics of Rhetoric: William Golding's Lord of the Flies and Leadership Speeches of World War II
09.01.06 Interpreting Vietnam: War Stories and Film
07.01.05 War of the Worlds-Multimedia Adaptations
05.01.09 A Century of War in Poetry: 1915-2015

for Children
06.03.04 Examining War through a Child's Perspective

14.01.11 Civil Disobedience in Words and Images
08.03.09 Taxes, Rebellion, and the Birth of a New Nation
05.03.01 The Courage to Be An Enemy of the People
05.03.05 Citizen Voices in Peace and War: A Portal into Ap English Lit
05.03.12 Dilemma of a Democracy: Liberty and Security

18.05.06 Chemical Warfare and the Rise of Antibiotic Resistance
09.07.04 Toxic, Persistent Chemicals in Human Environments: Case Studies of Agent Orange Use in Vietnam, 1965-1970 and Methyl Mercury in Minamata Bay, Japan, 1932-1968

Washington D.C.
24.01.01 Art in D.C.: Using Rock Creek Park as Our Playground
24.04.01 Powering Our Community: An Analysis of Washington D.C.’s Renewable Energy Plan
20.03.03 Codes of Conduct: Racist Housing and Education Policies that Impact Urban Students
20.04.08 How Should I Get to School? A Life Cycle Assessment of DC’s Public Transportation

Weather (see Meteorology)

Whitman, Walt
24.03.07 Empowering Student Voice through Poetry and Multimedia
17.03.10 Philadelphia, Do you See What I See?
11.02.03 The American Sonnet: Barometer of Change in American History
11.02.08 Using the Sonnet and Other Poems to Unlock the Speaker's Voice
08.02.02 The Poetry of Self: Using American Voices to Shape Your Own Voice
05.01.10 Looking Forward: Whitman and the Creative Spirit in American Poetry

Wiley, Kehinde
22.03.02 "Do you see me?" "I see you."—Identity and Activism in Black Art
22.03.06 Things Fall Apart: Piecing it all Back Together Using Contemporary Black Art
20.02.02 Who is in Charge Here?: Examining (in)visibility and Cultural Context of Jim Crow Era Monuments in Elementary Art Education
19.05.02 SmArt Math: Paper Polyominoes and Ceramic Tetradic Cuboids
18.02.10 The Spirit Task: African Americans Reclaim Power through Art and Poetry
14.01.10 Making Art against the Odds: The Triumph of Edmonia Lewis
12.01.06 The Stuff We Have: Ethnographies, Material Culture, and Art
11.01.05 Approaching Portraiture: The Character on the Page and on the Canvas
08.01.05 To See or Not to See? A Visual Approach to Identity in Shakespeare
05.03.13 Arthur Miller's History Lesson: The Crucible as a Link from the Past through McCarthyism to Present-Day Terrorism


African American

12.04.10 Putting Both Fists in the Air: The Addition of Women's Voices to the Black Power Era, 1960s-70s


21.02.08 Giving Voice to the Silenced
21.03.05 Breaking Barriers: The Fight for Gender Equality, Equal Pay and Civil Rights
19.03.06 Expanding Rights in American Democracy – Coalitions, Conflict, & Controversy
14.01.08 Perspectives on Life during the Revolutionary War through the Lens of Art and Literature
13.01.05 Inspiring American Women: Painting Them into the Picture
13.03.12 Glory Daze: Gloria Steinem's Biography Untangles the Mystique of Feminism
12.03.03 The Women's Movement in Presidential Rhetoric
11.01.10 Taking a Role in History: Reading Biography with Empathy
09.02.08 Setbacks to Suffrage: Inquiry into the Process

and Politics
21.03.05 Breaking Barriers: The Fight for Gender Equality, Equal Pay and Civil Rights
15.01.08 Biographies and Autobiographies: Portraits of Peace Builders

in Art
14.01.01 Dramatizing Art: Tableaux Vivants
14.01.10 Making Art against the Odds: The Triumph of Edmonia Lewis
13.01.05 Inspiring American Women: Painting Them into the Picture

in Fairy Tales
18.03.02 The Snow Queen in Film

15.04.05 You Should Be in a Dress and Camisole

21.01.10 From Handmaids to Riot Grrrls, using Fiction to Understand Social Movements
21.03.05 Breaking Barriers: The Fight for Gender Equality, Equal Pay and Civil Rights
13.03.12 Glory Daze: Gloria Steinem's Biography Untangles the Mystique of Feminism

in Film
15.04.06 Deepening One's Understanding of Psychological Disorders through Film: From One Extreme to Another - Depression and Schizophrenia
07.01.02 Hamlet and Hollywood: Using Film Adaptation to Analyze Ophelia and Gertrude

in Literature
13.02.10 Living Texts: Analyzing S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders by Thinking, Reading, Acting, and Thinking Again
07.01.02 Hamlet and Hollywood: Using Film Adaptation to Analyze Ophelia and Gertrude

10.01.11 Demystifying Poetry Using Women's Ekphrasis

Woolf, Virginia
24.02.03 Inspiration via Critical Literacy: Filling Gaps in the Canon
15.04.06 Deepening One's Understanding of Psychological Disorders through Film: From One Extreme to Another - Depression and Schizophrenia

Word Problems
17.05.01 Helping Struggling Readers Build Math Understanding through Word Problems
17.05.03 Understanding Problems: Using Bar Models with Common Core Taxonomies
17.05.04 Math World Problems and the Diné Hooghan
17.05.06 Simplifying the Issues with Expressions
17.05.08 Formulating Algebraic Equations from Word Problems
17.05.09 Making Sense of Solving Equations Through Word Problems
15.05.02 Math is All Around Us: Representing and Solving One-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems within 20
15.05.03 Real World Problem Solving in Second Grade Mathematics
15.05.04 Planting a Seed for Problem Solving
15.05.06 Creating a Culture of Critical Thinkers in the Mathematics Classroom: Reducing Dependency on Key Words
14.05.07 The FAL of Linear Relationships: Simple and Complex Word Problem Scenarios with Two Variables
07.06.01 Teaching Addition and Subtraction Word Problems to Children
07.06.02 Crafting Word Problems Even a Child Can Do
07.06.03 A = C - B: Subtraction is the Cousin of Addition
07.06.04 Word Problems in Picture Books: Literature as a Source of Math Word Problems
07.06.05 Dr. Word Problem - Solving Word Problems with the Four Operations Using Singapore Bar Models
07.06.06 Percents in Real Life Situations
07.06.07 Linear Expressions and Evaluations
07.06.08 The Art of Solving Word Problems by Using Proportions
07.06.09 Word Problems: Looking for the Similarities in Problems to Help Categorize and Solve Them
07.06.10 Assisting the Transition from English to Mathematical Language
07.06.11 Applying System of Equations to Real-World Scenarios: A Practical Curriculum
07.06.12 Quadratic Equations in Word Problems Students Can Relate To

21.02.04 A Nation of Dreamers: Examining American Immigration and Race through Esperanza Rising

about Literature
09.03.02 Life's But a Poor Player: Macbeth and Performing Ourselves

and Art
17.01.01 Image as Text: A Bridge to Critical Literary Analysis
17.01.02 In Their Own Images
17.01.05 Using Navajo Contemporary Art to Teach Descriptive Writing to ELL Students

and Reading
06.03.02 Teaching the Elements of Literature Using Stories from Infancy to Age-appropriate

19.01.03 To Whom It May Concern: Considering Audience and Purpose in Writing
19.01.04 Writers Use Risk before Rigor – Essays by Example
19.01.07 You Ain’t Gotta Write Like You Speak: Talking White, While Livin’ Brown
19.01.10 How High-School Students Can Echo Professional Writers in Their Own Personal Essays

20.01.02 American History Through American Lives Celebrating Our Family History Through Immigration Stories
19.01.05 Becoming Butterflies: A Transformative Writing Unit
19.01.08 Writing through Reading
19.01.09 Personal Essays and Storytelling: Trevor Noah, Nelson Mandela, and Nadine Gordimer
19.01.11 Right Our World as Writers Who Are Readers: Acts of Resistance in Personal Memoirs and Public Arguments
17.02.04 Finding Me, Knowing You: Exploring and Expressing Identity through Language Arts
14.03.07 The Settled and the Unsettled, Then and Now: Rites of Passage in Urban Life and Narrative
13.03.01 The Story of Me
13.03.02 Character Traits in Biography
13.03.06 Will They Remember Me? Finding Our Identity by Writing Memoirs and Biographies
12.02.05 The Truth about Lies: Recognizing Lies, Stereotypes, and Prejudice through Memoir Reading and Writing
12.02.07 Reading, Writing, and Recidivism: Healing to Learn through Memoir and Vignette for Adjudicated and/or Traumatized Youth
07.03.03 Maps and Mapmaking for the Artist

20.01.02 American History Through American Lives Celebrating Our Family History Through Immigration Stories
13.03.05 Inspire, Reach, and Teach Through Biography
10.03.02 I Have a Story to Tell: Learning through Peer Biographical Inquiry
10.03.03 Discovering the Entrepreneur
10.03.06 Micro Biographical Essays: Students Helping Students Learn about American History
10.03.11 Contando Vidas/Telling Life Stories: The Biographies of Influential Hispanics in Our Community
10.03.12 Connecting to Community: Biography and the Digital Age
09.02.06 Civil Rights: Massive Assistance Resuscitated

19.01.08 Writing through Reading
15.02.09 Shaping a Multi-Dimensional Villain: Richard III
11.01.03 You'll Stumble in My Footsteps: Character Traits, Choices, and Outcomes in Literature
11.01.04 Making Friends with Characters: Exploring Friendship through Literature
09.01.05 SHAZAM! Exploring Superhero Comics to Study Character Origin and Creative Writing
08.02.07 Getting Into Character: Finding Voice in Realistic Fiction
07.03.01 The Underground Railroad and the Geography of Freedom: Using Slave Narratives and Negro Spirituals as Maps
07.04.06 La voz y la vida: Literacy and Identity in Young Latino Immigrant Students

09.03.03 King Lear, Part II--It's All About the Play

13.03.03 Memoir: Magical Moments in Young Children's Lives
12.04.02 Exchanging Letters - Changing Legacies

19.01.01 The Death of the Five Paragraph Essay: Reading and Writing the Modern Essay in Middle School
19.01.04 Writers Use Risk before Rigor – Essays by Example
19.01.05 Becoming Butterflies: A Transformative Writing Unit
19.01.07 You Ain’t Gotta Write Like You Speak: Talking White, While Livin’ Brown
19.01.08 Writing through Reading
19.01.09 Personal Essays and Storytelling: Trevor Noah, Nelson Mandela, and Nadine Gordimer
19.01.10 How High-School Students Can Echo Professional Writers in Their Own Personal Essays

18.03.02 The Snow Queen in Film
16.03.05 Easing on Down the Road: Reading Critically, Writing Fantastically
16.03.07 Dreaming on Imaginary Stages and Writing Imaginative Scripts: The Magical "If" Fulfilled, in "Hamilton"

08.02.07 Getting Into Character: Finding Voice in Realistic Fiction
07.02.05 Uncloaking the Clues: Details, Daggers, and Detection

22.01.01 The Child Migrant: Evaluating the Journey to the United States through Film and Nonfiction Text

19.01.05 Becoming Butterflies: A Transformative Writing Unit
19.01.06 The Voice in You- A Form of Expression through Writing
09.03.05 Shakespeare on the Cell Phone: Texting Romance
08.01.02 Race and Gender in Shakespeare and the Art of Rhetoric
07.04.05 Latino Children's Folk Music: A Series of Thematic Writing Exercises

24.03.03 First Poets
12.03.09 Judges, Presidents, and the People: Who Should Interpret the Constitution?
10.03.04 Voices of Emery Secondary: An Oral History Project

Journal Writing
24.03.05 Do You Hear What I Hear? Can You See What I See? Poetry Explored
23.02.02 Niños y la Naturaleza: Nature in the World Language Classroom
23.02.08 Journaling in Nature: Journaling to Improve Observation and Reflection
17.01.03 Bringing Alive the Art of the Past: Modern Tattoos and Illuminated Manuscripts
16.04.03 Plant, Watch, and Grow
11.01.09 Reading Between the Lines: The Secret Lives of Characters
11.04.01 Performing Resilience: The Study of Culture and the African Diaspora through Literature and Dance
10.02.10 Paths into Excellence: Journal-Writing as Bedrock for Rhetoric
06.04.08 Mythology of the Inca and Maya

Journalism (see Media; Journalism)
20.02.07 Seeing the World through Race-Colored Glasses: Guiding High-School Journalism Students to Report in a Race-Conscious Way to Create a Race-Conscious World

07.07.06 Space Illustrated: There and Back

23.02.03 Homeland to Hometown: Restorative Awareness in Writing About Nature
19.01.07 You Ain’t Gotta Write Like You Speak: Talking White, While Livin’ Brown
19.01.08 Writing through Reading
18.01.09 13th and Locking Up Our Own: Argument, Voice, and Perspective in Two Modern Meditations on Mass Incarceration
16.03.03 Stick to Your Story: Fleshing out Existing Narrative Structures
15.04.02 The Visual Art of Writing
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
13.04.04 Travel Stories: Mapping the Vision, Walking the Journey
13.04.05 Invisible Migrations: The Journey from Spanish to English and Back Again Through Performance Poetry
11.04.01 Performing Resilience: The Study of Culture and the African Diaspora through Literature and Dance
08.02.03 The Role of Rhetoric in the Abolition Movement: A Study of Voice and Power in Narrative, Speech, and Letters
08.02.06 In Their Shoes: Finding Voice through Personal Narrative
07.02.05 Uncloaking the Clues: Details, Daggers, and Detection
07.02.06 Crime Fiction Investigation: "Socially Correct or Not, Let Me Tell You Who Did It"

Nature Writing
23.02.01 Why Nature? Noticing and Writing in the Wild
23.02.02 Niños y la Naturaleza: Nature in the World Language Classroom
23.02.03 Homeland to Hometown: Restorative Awareness in Writing About Nature
23.02.04 An Inheritance of Cultural Storytelling: Nature-Inspired Paintings
23.02.05 Creating First-Class Experiences for Forgotten Schools: Why Not Us?
23.02.06 Self-Identity through Nature and Magic
23.02.07 Through the Eyes of a Navajo: Nature Writing
23.02.08 Journaling in Nature: Journaling to Improve Observation and Reflection

19.01.02 Pen to Paper with Alexander: The Writing Process for No Good, Very Bad Days
19.01.04 Writers Use Risk before Rigor – Essays by Example
19.01.08 Writing through Reading
19.01.10 How High-School Students Can Echo Professional Writers in Their Own Personal Essays

Picture Writing
16.03.03 Stick to Your Story: Fleshing out Existing Narrative Structures
16.03.04 Getting Graphic about Writing
14.01.01 Dramatizing Art: Tableaux Vivants
14.01.02 American Genre Painting: Visual Representations of Slavery and Emancipation, 1850-1870
14.04.03 Articulations: Crafting Credible Discourse on Art, Aesthetics, and Design
13.01.01 Picture-Tellers: How to "Write" a Story, the Kindergarten Way
13.03.05 Inspire, Reach, and Teach Through Biography
13.03.08 Understanding Character Development Through the Use of Autobiography
13.04.01 The Study of a Zip Code: Tulsa's Invisible City
11.05.06 The Chemistry of Weather
07.04.06 La voz y la vida: Literacy and Identity in Young Latino Immigrant Students
06.03.08 Fantasy Books: There's a Whole Other World Out There

Poetry (see Poetry->Writing of)
24.03.01 Poetry Through Hózhó: The Beauty Way of Life
24.03.05 Do You Hear What I Hear? Can You See What I See? Poetry Explored
24.03.06 Sight, Sound, and Satire: Exploring Calaveras Literarias
24.03.08 Tupac the Poet and Lyricist: The State of Texas vs. Emergent Bilinguals
24.03.09 Transforming Poetry of Witness to Performance of Protest
18.02.03 The Third Space: Ekphrasis, Confessional Poetry, and Mental Health
14.02.01 Life Happens: Thinking about Key Life Transitions and Identity through Poetry
14.02.02 Growing Up Yo in New Haven: Teaching Spanish through Bilingual Slam Poetry
14.02.06 The Sestina: having Fun with Form and Content
14.02.09 Pictures, Poems, and Planets
14.02.10 Don't Fear the Symmetry: The Poetry of William Blake
14.02.11 Visual Poetry
13.02.06 Interpreting the Urban Landscape
13.04.05 Invisible Migrations: The Journey from Spanish to English and Back Again Through Performance Poetry
12.04.07 Diverse Journeys - Americans All!
11.02.04 Teaching History through Poetry
11.02.05 From Inquiry to Interpretation: A Passage through the Sonnet
11.02.07 Sounds So Sweet
11.02.08 Using the Sonnet and Other Poems to Unlock the Speaker's Voice
11.02.09 The Concealed Story
10.01.02 Historical Perspectives through Analysis of Art and Poetry
10.01.03 From the Thoughts of Another: Comprehension through the Genres of Poetry
09.04.03 Poetic Sounds: Symphonic Synchronization of the Word
09.04.04 Discovering Voice
09.04.06 The Unknown Voice of My Students
08.02.01 Voice in Poetry: Dream a World with Langston Hughes
08.02.02 The Poetry of Self: Using American Voices to Shape Your Own Voice
06.05.06 A Planet Worth a Thousand Words: An English Teacher's Guide to Global Warming
05.01.01 Discovering Self through Poetry
05.01.02 Thematic Poetry Reading and Writing Workshop
05.01.03 Making the Relevant Connection: The Middle School Student and Poetry An Understanding and Appreciation of Poetry to Inspire the Poet Within
05.01.04 Leaving, Longing, and Left Behind: Poems of Home
05.01.06 A Curriculum Unit in Poetry for Vocational Students
05.01.07 Who’s Your Daddy? Comprehension Strategies and Poetry Basics through Poems about Fathers

19.01.05 Becoming Butterflies: A Transformative Writing Unit
19.01.06 The Voice in You- A Form of Expression through Writing
19.01.07 You Ain’t Gotta Write Like You Speak: Talking White, While Livin’ Brown
19.01.08 Writing through Reading
19.01.09 Personal Essays and Storytelling: Trevor Noah, Nelson Mandela, and Nadine Gordimer

20.02.07 Seeing the World through Race-Colored Glasses: Guiding High-School Journalism Students to Report in a Race-Conscious Way to Create a Race-Conscious World
19.01.03 To Whom It May Concern: Considering Audience and Purpose in Writing
19.01.11 Right Our World as Writers Who Are Readers: Acts of Resistance in Personal Memoirs and Public Arguments
15.04.06 Deepening One's Understanding of Psychological Disorders through Film: From One Extreme to Another - Depression and Schizophrenia

06.03.10 The Big Con: Tricking the High School Student into Writing a Research Paper

22.04.07 How Gravity Impacts Life
13.05.08 From Plants to Horsepower – an Introduction into the World of Oil

Science Fiction
22.04.01 To Infinity and Beyond: using non-fiction text and study to promote science-fiction writing
22.04.03 Using Out of This World Knowledge to Build Literacy Skills! Space Writer on Board!

22.01.07 Teaching Writing through Films: A Visual Exploration of Identities

Short Stories
15.04.01 Look Behind You! Mastering the Art of Suspense with Poe and Hitchcock
07.03.05 Mapping + Episodic Short Short Stories = Classroom Writing Success
06.05.06 A Planet Worth a Thousand Words: An English Teacher's Guide to Global Warming

Travel Writing
13.04.04 Travel Stories: Mapping the Vision, Walking the Journey