Art and Identity in Mexico, from Olmec Times to the Present


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Teaching Frida Kahlo
  4. Teaching About Diego Rivera
  5. Individual Biographies
  6. Alphabet Autobiography
  7. Lesson Plans
  8. Appendix
  9. Annotated Bibliography

Studying the Biographies of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Karlene E. McGowen

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Teaching About Diego Rivera

Students will be divided into small groups. One biography of Rivera will be given to each group. You may decide if each group receives the same book or if each group receives a different book. A list of good children's books is provided in the annotated bibliography at the end of this unit. The groups will read the biography they are given of Rivera. Depending on the length, two class periods may be needed. During and after reading the book the students will create a timeline of Rivera's life based on the reading. The timeline should be in a nice project format on some sort of poster board or card stock paper. The background should be relevant to what they learned about Diego Rivera. In other words, a piece of notebook paper isn't what I'm looking for. I would like to see group work, participation, and effort put into this timeline. After the timeline the students will write a chronological summary of the life of Rivera. I assign a chronological summary to get students in the habit of paying attention to detail and dates. Biographies are not always written chronologically so the students will need to rearrange the data. The length of this summary could be a page or two depending on the length of the book read. In addition to the timeline and summary the group will write two cause and effect relationships that took place in Rivera's life. The students will also choose their favorite Rivera painting as a group and show that painting to the class. Most likely this painting will be in the book they have read. If not, you may provide them with some examples of Rivera's work.


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