Art and Identity in Mexico, from Olmec Times to the Present


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Teaching Frida Kahlo
  4. Teaching About Diego Rivera
  5. Individual Biographies
  6. Alphabet Autobiography
  7. Lesson Plans
  8. Appendix
  9. Annotated Bibliography

Studying the Biographies of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Karlene E. McGowen

Published September 2005

Tools for this Unit:

Alphabet Autobiography

Credit for this lesson must be given to Allison Judge at Dunedin High School in Dunedin, Florida. This project allows the students to write an autobiography in a fun and creative way. The students will start by creating twenty-six sections using a couple of pages in their journal or notebook. These need to be labeled corresponding to the twenty-six letters of the alphabet.

Next, students will write one word or phrase describing themselves using each letter of the alphabet. For instance starting with "A": Apple - My favorite fruit is an apple. They will continue this brainstorming activity until they have at least two words for each letter. As they decide on each word they should also write it in context given in the example above. This process may expand over parts of several class periods and also be an on-going homework assignment. During this time students will be adding and deleting various ideas. They are to have two words for each letter for the purpose of choice and variety for the next step.

Next the students will narrow the choices to one word or phrase for each letter. Keeping in mind the uniqueness and the describable nature of each word, students should eliminate the choice that will steer their writing to be plain or boring. They should be looking for areas that are interesting and unique to them.

After each word or phrase has been chosen, students will begin the process of writing a descriptive paragraph about the word. Students should keep in mind that this project is an autobiography and therefore the content must remain factual pertaining to them. However, factual does not mean boring. This is a creative writing skill that needs to be practiced. I like apples because they are tasty is a factual but boring sentence. A good creative and descriptive writer would take that same information and express it this way for example, The sweetness of the apple draws me to it daily. Again, this process will take several days and the students will need guidance. The paragraph should be three to five sentences. Students will continually work on this assignment for part of class and homework until they have created twenty-six descriptive paragraphs about themselves using the twenty-six letters of the alphabet.

The final product may be done in a variety of ways. I think index cards make a nice booklet. For reasons of conservation and to prevent the book from being too thick to bind, the students should write one letter and paragraph on each side of each index card. Along with this, they should also create a front and back cover for their alphabet autobiography. A good binding technique is to punch one or two holes on the left side of the card and fasten with a brad, ring, or tie with yarn.

Now students have written their own autobiography for themselves and others to enjoy. A nice conclusion to this project is for students to orally present their book. They should show the front and back covers as well as read two or three entries.


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