Stories around the World in Film


  1. Unit Guide
  1. NOH
  2. NOH Teaching Strategy
  3. Japanese Film Series
  4. Bunraku
  5. Bunraku Teaching Strategy
  6. Kabuki
  7. Lesson Plan One: Experiencing NOH
  8. Lesson Plan Two: Puppet Play
  9. Lesson Plan Three: Creating New Theatre Experiences
  10. Bibilography

The Delicate Marriage of Theatre and Film

Michea R. Carter

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Guide Entry to 06.01.05

The Delicate Marriage of Theatre and Film is an exciting theatre arts curriculum designed to inspire and impassion the study of theatre in the secondary classroom. This curriculum effectively blends the genres of Classical Japanese Theatre and film into one magnificent educational experience. Students are introduced to the classical performance elements of Noh, Bunraku, and Kabuki Theatre through screening Japanese films which are based in each of these theatrical styles. This unit is designed to give students a greater appreciation for Classical Japanese Theatre while gaining a stronger understanding for the elements and power of Japanese film.

This curriculum is the result of an artistic search for a more organic theatrical experience which can be communicated in the classroom. This search has led the writer to the truest sources of theatre in the east; its primary form. Without a doubt, Classical Japanese Theatre is one of the most organic forms of theatrical performance that has survived centuries and is still performed in its original nature.

(Developed for Theatre Arts, grades 10-12; recommended for Theatre Arts, Cultural Education, and Film and Media Production, grades 6-12)


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