Stories around the World in Film


  1. Unit Guide
  1. NOH
  2. NOH Teaching Strategy
  3. Japanese Film Series
  4. Bunraku
  5. Bunraku Teaching Strategy
  6. Kabuki
  7. Lesson Plan One: Experiencing NOH
  8. Lesson Plan Two: Puppet Play
  9. Lesson Plan Three: Creating New Theatre Experiences
  10. Bibilography

The Delicate Marriage of Theatre and Film

Michea R. Carter

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Lesson Plan Two: Puppet Play

Topics: Theatre Arts, Acting, Visual Arts, Playwriting

Sub Topics: Cultural Studies, Creative Writing

This lesson plan is designed for the Bunraku Theatre segment of this curriculum. I suggest implementing the beginning of this lesson just after your introduction to Bunraku so that the puppets will be near completion before the film is viewed. In doing so, the students are able to use the film as a clear guide for the rehearsal and performance phase of this lesson.

  1. Divide students into collaborative groups of four. Using the plays of Chikamatsu Monzaemon, each group should write their own puppet play. Students may decide to write either a jidaimo — legendary or historical — or sewamono — a play that is about more contemporary people.
  2. After the plays are completed, students are to begin constructing their puppets. Each play must have at least one puppet. The puppet construction may become as broad and varied as your classroom resources allow. If resources are limited, do not be dismayed. Wonderful puppets can be constructed by recycling everyday household items such as the cardboard roll of paper towels, old fabric, balloons, newspaper and glue. The head of the puppet is constructed using the paper mache method of a balloon, newspaper, and glue. Detailed instructions can easily be found on various websites. After the head is constructed, use a wire cloths hanger as the neck and shoulder body of the puppet. Attach the head to the top of the hanger with floral wire and hot glue. The paper towel rolls are attached to either end of the hanger becoming the puppet's arms. Lastly, drape the puppet with fabric to cover the puppet's construction. Allow students to create the puppets face with paint and/or markers as best suits their production.
  3. Each cooperative group will perform their play before the class for critic and discussion.


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