Appendix D
(Add or delete lines as necessary before printing as in item 1.)
Video Comparison Sheet for Fahrenheit 451 #1
Day One
- How does the film compare to the novel? Is the film the same or different? If it is different, does it work? Choose an example and explain whether or not you support the filmmaker's choices.
- How would you describe the music and the way it is used to someone who had not seen the film but had read the book? What does the composer do that is effective?
- Which character (s) do you like and why? Which character (s) do you dislike and why?
Video Comparison Sheet for Fahrenheit 451 #2
Day Two
- How does the music reflect the action? Can you tell what is about to happen through the music? Can you identify any of the instruments?
- What can you say about the characters of Linda and Clarisse? Do they compare favorably with the impressions you got from reading the book?
- Have your feelings or opinions about any of the characters changed since yesterday's viewing? Explain why and how.
Video Comparison Sheet for Fahrenheit 451 #3
Day Three
- How is the music helping to define the tone of the action? Identify a particular scene in which the music is effective.
- Have you changed your opinion about the characters (actor portrayals} you liked and disliked since watching Acts I and II? Offer examples and explain.
- Does the action seem more real and moving when you see it compared to when you read it? Why do you think this is so?
- Now that you've seen the end of the film what is your overall impression? Would you recommend the film to anyone? Who and why?
Standards Pennsylvania Content Standards for Communications: Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking
- All students use effective research and information management skills, including locating primary and secondary sources of information with traditional and emerging library technologies.
- All students read and use a variety of methods to make sense of various kinds of complex texts.
- All students respond orally and in writing to information and ideas gained by reading narrative and informational texts and use the information and ideas to make decisions and solve problems.
- All students write for a variety of purposes, including narrate, inform, and persuade, in all subject areas.
- All students analyze and make critical judgments about all forms of communication, separating fact from opinion, recognizing propaganda, stereotypes and statements of bias, recognizing inconsistencies and judging the validity of evidence.
- All students exchange information orally, including understanding and giving spoken instructions, asking and answering questions appropriately, and promoting effective group communications.
- All students listen to and understand complex oral messages and identify the purpose, structure and use.
- All students compose and make oral presentations for each academic area of study that are designed to persuade, inform or describe.
- All students communicate appropriately in business, work and other applied situations.