Native America: Understanding the Past through Things


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Observations
  3. Things
  4. What things can tell us
  5. What people eat and how we know
  6. What do we eat
  7. Good nutrition and good food
  8. Where do we go from here
  9. Resources
  10. Bibliography
  11. Appendix
  12. Notes

Things, Foods, and How We Know

Jennifer B. Esty

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:

Where do we go from here

The students should now have a good idea of what the human body needs to survive and thrive. Using this information, they should look at their food log and their indigenous "food log" that they made up from their research and compare them based on their nutritional data. If you have typical American teenagers in your class, this may be a frightening experience.

The culminating activity for this unit is a project based on what the students learned. The students will come up with a plan to improve their own eating habits based on the research that they have done. This plan may take many forms. In my case, my students will probably plan a nutritionally balanced Thanksgiving meal based on traditional ingredients. Because I work in a small school, there is a good possibility that this meal will be cooked and eaten. Hopefully, we will be able to convince some parents to come in a help us learn to cook some of the traditional dishes. If this is not possible, in your school there are many other ways to present this information. Be Creative!


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