What makes a culture function? How do people of one culture come together and have life run smoothly? The main way, it is said, is through ritual and beliefs. Emile Durkeim, a nineteenth century French sociologist, stated that "religious beliefs and rituals functioned to integrate people into groups and maintained smooth functioning societies." This was typically called functionalism. It was properly named, I think, because it basically helps a society function. Durkeim studied how cultural institutions kept a society in working order. This can be taken all the way back to South America where Machu Picchu both divided people up into different sides of the city and then had a central place to bring people back together again. Machu Picchu, an Inca site, is a place where Inca civilization existed and had an elaborate culture running. Even way back in 1440, the Inca figured out how to be sure people had food, clothing, and shelter—and this is a great example of a smooth running society. I did see the actual exhibit at the Peabody Museum in New Haven, Connecticut. In order to have a deep and personal knowledge of people and places, Durkeim also lived with the people he studied for extended periods of time. I do believe this was a good idea because it gave you an opportunity as a researcher to experience first hand. Durkeim also found that cultural areas were developed based on physical and natural resources. These aspects help to shape the cultures.
Another person of significance to this unit is Franz Boas, an American anthropologist and ethnologist. The grandfather of ethnology, with his concerns about cultures, Boas was driven to examine culture in its local context using specific cultural traits- behavior, beliefs and symbols. He came up with the theory of historical particularism which emphasized the uniqueness of a culture. This uniqueness is important to my students, because it will assist them with a positive self concept and respect for another's culture and as well as their own. This respect will help them with social skills. By studying a little about Boas, I can show that everyone contributes something unique to a culture.
Other anthropologists believed in diffusion. According to diffusion, cultural innovations had a single origin and passed from society to society. This can be seen in basketry and weaving, in which they are developed in one location and then passed on, from region to region. All of these theories are relevant and these factors will be discussed as we study the nations. How these theories will help in teaching about another's culture is clear. They help us to understand specific points on how cultures develop. Culture is learned through the teaching of the society around you. Culture is a way of communicating with each other within a society. Culture is shared by each person and with one another, and in this unit we will share in exploration of other communities by sharing their customs and traditions. All of this has been noted on how we use other cultural ideas in our lives.