Appendix B- Lesson Plan-Pomo
1. First for the cooperative learning part of this lesson start the discussion about their history, life style and physical location. Talk about coastal regions and the Bay area. Talk about what they enjoyed eating or wearing. Let the students get into groups of four, using butcher block paper and have them do a collage drawing of the things that the Pomo did. Each student should have the same responsibility of getting the three important parts in their section of the collage. The three items to include are acorns, baskets and shell money in their picture. A Native American Pomo person should be present in the collage.
2. The art genre will start with the baskets from the museum. Show pictures of the Pomo baskets. We will go through the process of discussion its relevance and recreating and journaling about it. The three different ways of making them twine, coil and plaiting will be showed. Then give each of the students a basket of their own; let them decorate them using tacky glue. Use sea shells, rhinestones and feathers. They were said to use beautiful plumes, so the more feathers the better.
3. This graphic organizer is a T Chart. The T chart will illustrate place value. Place value is a concept that teaches a counting system. The students will put the proper tally in either the one or the tens column. The example below illustrates this. It would be slightly different when it is made for the students. This is to give appreciation for the Pomo counting system.
(table available in print form)
Write several numbers; alternatively, let the students make up their own. This will show place value position of tens and ones. This concept is taught mid year and since this unit is at the end of the school year they should be able to create numbers greater than thirty. The enrichment value and review for my students will be invaluable.