Native America: Understanding the Past through Things


  1. Unit Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Overview
  3. Rationale
  4. Strategies
  5. Classroom Material
  6. Bibliography
  7. Appendix A- Lesson Plan- Haida
  8. Appendix B- Lesson Plan-Pomo

Culture Graphics -- An Experience with Native American Things for the Elementary Student

Stephanie Louise Johnson

Published September 2006

Tools for this Unit:


Bennett, Alice, Grossman John, (1996). Writer's Term Papers, Thesis and Dissertations. Chicago. University of Chicago Press

This is the book that I used as a resource on how to write a research paper. It also is helpful in organizing your paper.

Conley, J. Robert, (2005). The Cherokee Nation: A History. Mexico. University of Mexico Press

This book gives an historical point of view about the Cherokee nation. It explains their culture and discusses their battles with staying a nation. Their writing system is discussed as well as their famous departure through the trail of tears.

Diamond, Jared, (1997). Guns, Germs, and Steel-The Fate of Human Societies. New York. W.W. Noroton and Company

An interesting book, it discusses how these items were brought to the United States and how they affected the Native Americans. Spaniards and Europeans brought germs of disease for which there wasn't any cure. The technology of guns was hard to fight. With steel, technology, and disease, the history of the United States changed.

Haines, Francis, (1974). Nez Perce: Tribesman of the Colombia Plateau. Okalahoma.

University of Oklahoma Press

A look at this nation and how they used their environment to use daily life. The Nez

Perce nation had learned new ways after others had come to America. They knew how

to travel in the plateau land and helped others go through such as Lewis and Clark.

Jackson, Phillip, (1998). John Dewey and Lessons in Art. Connecticut. Yale University Press

Jackson goes over carefully the papers that John Dewey wrote as well as his own comments. I enjoyed this book because it supports the class I had taken at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts and explains Dewey's concern for the Arts in a broader way.

Landau, Elaine, (1994). The Pomo. Franklin Watts. Watts Publishing Group

This is a book about the Pomo Nation and how they lived long ago. How they used

their environment to live daily.

Mann C. Charles, (2005). 1491-New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus.

New York. Alfred A. Knoff

This is a thoughtful study into how the Native Americans may have

lived before Columbus came. It discusses the survival of different types of lifestyles

related to the environment.

Mills, George, (1983). Navaho Art and Culture. Connecticut. Greenwood Press Print

The Navajo had great artistic ability and used their environment to make their

clothing. They also enjoyed their landscape.

Pritzker, M. Barry, (2000). A Native American Encyclopedia History, Culture and

Peoples. New York. Oxford University Press Inc.

This book I found to be very useful. It had a list of every nation that exists with detailed information concerning their culture, history and lifestyle. Some of the nations I chose were not the most common so it made it wonderful to find all of them in such a fine


Reid, Martine, (1988). Myths and Legends of the Haida Indians of the Northwest: The

Children of the Raven. California. Bellerophon Books

This is a book about some of the stories myths and legends about this nation, and in the story that is in that section of my paper.

Thomas, H. David, Pendleton, Lorann, (2006). Native Americans. New York. Barnes & Noble Publishing Inc., Fog City Press

This is a book about the lifestyles and art genres of each nation based on topics such as ceremonies and rituals, homes, economics and transportation.

Classroom Books

Bruchac, Joseph, (1993). The First Strawberry- a Cherokee Story. New York. Penguin Group

This is a story that has emotions flaring between couples. As that story plot goes on, some delicious fruit is discovered.

Duncan, R. Barbara, (1998). Living Stories of the Cherokee Stories Told and Collected. North Carolina. The University of North Carolina

Wonderful stories by excellent authors. One that is good to use to relate to how the Cherokee used herbs as medicine is Medicine and the Wolf Clan by Freeman Owle. This is a good story about an old man who travels from clan to clan to seek help.

Fox, Frank (1995). North American Indians Color & Story Album. New York. Troubador Press

Fox explains to a young reader with pictorial and written information about 16 nations. Although briefly done some of the most significant information is included.

McDermott, Gerald, (1993). Raven: A Trickster Tale from the Pacific North West Coast. 1st Edition, Chicago. Harcourt Children's Book

A story about how the raven uses tricks to get what he wants. One of the variations on the myths and folktales that were told by that nation.

Reddy, Francis, (1992). Children's Atlas of Native Americans- Native Cultures of North and South America. Chicago. Rand McNally

Geographically covering both South and North America related to their physical environment. It discusses Mesoamerica, Chaco Canyon, Mound Builders as well as the Mayans. It has photos to go along with each topic. You will find this book to be delightful.

Sneve, Hawk, Drving, Virginia. (1995) The Iroquois- A First Americans Book. New York. Holiday House

If you want to find out how this league was formed, this is a good book. It makes for superb reading as a book that is longer than one sitting. The Seneca are part of this league.

Web Sites

Carnegie Museum of History — .This is where you can asses the lending of artifacts.

Civilization California - . This is a site for information about Native Americans and a variation of the story about how the Raven Steals the Light.

Pennsylvania Department of Education — .This is a site to see the standards for each grade level.

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts - This site has the school classes for teachers using the John Dewey example of understanding a work of art.


Encarta Reference Library - Microsoft Word 2002-2006. This software is an encyclopedia of information.


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